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No Fortnite client token #94

Closed RayzonDE closed 6 years ago

RayzonDE commented 6 years ago

Bro I tried it 100 times... after I start Fortnite there is a /account/api/oauth/exchange request but no more token, if I capture traffic in the loading screen. I recorded it for you it's only 1 minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHBqp-IusyA what am I doing wrong?

monkeydioude commented 6 years ago

Plot twist: you don't need to capture anything, we all have the same tokens. You can use those provided in the php API repo. Only "email" and "password" matters.

nholms commented 6 years ago

@monkeydioude Can you link to this PHP api?

RayzonDE commented 6 years ago

@NickSuperb I think I found the API https://github.com/Tustin/fortnite-php

jeffreyhorner commented 6 years ago

The issue is that your Fortnite game won't verify Fiddler's certificates since it's using libcurl with verifypeer=true by default.

You can override this by adding the command line option -HTTP=WinInet in the Launcher (click the gear icon), and make your computer trust the Fiddler root certificate.

weeco commented 6 years ago

@jeffreyhorner Apparently they have fixed this loophole, did you find another possibility to bypass the SSL pinning?

jeffreyhorner commented 6 years ago

No I haven't scoped out this issue in awhile.