qmacro / thinking-aloud

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2021-04-07 09:04:01 Does it make sense to create a workflow to clean u… #15

Open qmacro opened 3 years ago

qmacro commented 3 years ago

Does it make sense to create a workflow to clean up old workflow runs?

I'm using my dwr script right now to clean up some of the workflow runs in my repositories. It got me thinking - what about an automatic cleanup? Would it make sense to write a workflow ... to delete old workflow runs on a regular basis? There's a sort of pleasant balance in there as well, in that eventually, the runs from these cleanup workflows would be themselves cleaned up too.

In case you're interested in the dwr script as it stands right now, you can find it here in my dotfiles.

What do you think? Is it worth following this thought to an experimental cleanup workflow definition? What would that look like?