qmatteoq / CaliburnMicro-UniversalApp-Demo

Caliburn Micro
7 stars 7 forks source link

Waiting for you to update the project #1

Open damonpkuml opened 9 years ago

damonpkuml commented 9 years ago

Congratulate you to joining microsoft ! Hope you can continue to update the project ,thanks

qmatteoq commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Are you looking for an update because you're looking for guidance about how to manage specific scenarios which are not covered by the current sample? If the answer is yes, let me know which are these scenarios so that I can cover them.

mediaexplorer74 commented 6 months ago

Thanks! Are you looking for an update because you're looking for guidance about how to manage specific scenarios which are not covered by the current sample? If the answer is yes, let me know which are these scenarios so that I can cover them.

I researched your code. This is NOT UWP. This is only fully obsolete Windows(Phone) 8.1 demo. Holy shit!

qmatteoq commented 6 months ago

Hello, correct. As you can see from the age, the project is 10 years old and it’s based on Universal Apps. Universal Apps isn’t UWP, it was the name used to indicate apps for Windows Phone 8.0 and Windows 8.0 with a shared code base.

mediaexplorer74 commented 6 months ago

Hello, correct. As you can see from the age, the project is 10 years old and it’s based on Universal Apps. Universal Apps isn’t UWP, it was the name used to indicate apps for Windows Phone 8.0 and Windows 8.0 with a shared code base.

Hi. Thank you for quick reply. I forked your solution, and I ported all projects into uwp. Also I builded ARM version. All seem to be ok on my old sweet retro-device Microsoft Lumia 950. I have some little plans to use CaliburnMicro at/in old lost reverse-engeneered 4PDAClient app (4PDA is some analogue of XDA, popular at post-Soviet Union space). Thank you for cool explanation of the fact (fully forgotten by me) that Universal Apps isn’t UWP :) I'm so old and so stupid, yea ))

Best, MediaExplorer Lumia/Windows10Mobile old-school "fanboy" ))