qnblackcat / uYouPlus

uYou+ is a modified version of uYou (made by @MiRO92) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users!
7.19k stars 8.43k forks source link

Home App / Blank App #1362

Closed enokseth closed 4 months ago

enokseth commented 6 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Have you read the FAQ?

Device information

Describe the issue

No Refresh ta startup, app is Blank.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install app with AltStore
  2. Open App and modifing uYouplus param’s, like discale short, autoplay, autoplay not Work

Crash log

No response

Are you using the latest version of uYouPlus? If not, why?

✅ Yes, I'm using the latest version of uYouPlus

Does the issue happen with the official YouTube app from the App Store?

❌ No, I cannot reproduce this issue in the official YouTube app from the App Store

Additional information

No response

DanielAvinoam commented 6 months ago

I have the same issue, seems it's only for one of my accounts and not the others. Went through the account settings and tried to spot the difference, they look the same to me image

enokseth commented 6 months ago

J'ai le même problème, il semble que ce ne soit que pour l'un de mes comptes et pas pour les autres.J'ai parcouru les paramètres du compte et j'ai essayé de repérer la différence, ils me semblent les mêmes ![ Image](https://private-user-images.githubusercontent.com/71561723/313704701-201326ef-902e-47f4-8ff3-99ab86516ed8.png? jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJnaXRodWIuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoicmF3LmdpdGh1YnVzZXJjb250ZW50LmNvbSIsImtleSI6ImtleTUiLCJleHAiOjE3MTA3NzQwMzAsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDcc3MzczMCwicGF0aCI6Ii83MTU2MTcyMy8zMTM3MDQ3MDEtMjAxMzI2ZWYtOTAyZS00N2Y0LThmZjMtOTlhYjg2NTE2ZWQ4LnBuZz9YLUFtei1Bb SSK-6E5nM1O6kmkhA1f616HcF-CpgDyZ_M-mXBQUlxU) ok, je veux dire que YouTube a modifié l'index Of pour faire des bogues de l'application, c'est plus difficile à maintenir et @Miro92 et qnblackcat travaillent dur sur ^^

I would really like to have the uYouPlus code to understand how it works and why not help them

Skoshche commented 6 months ago

I had this issue when I was signed into my gmail on YouTube, but not necessarily selected a "YouTube account" as you can have multiple per email. I realized this because if I went to my subscriptions feed it was marked as empty. Once I selected an actual YouTube account it fixed itself, I believe the community posts were what was causing the issue.

enokseth commented 5 months ago

I had this issue when I was signed into my gmail on YouTube, but not necessarily selected a "YouTube account" as you can have multiple per email. I realized this because if I went to my subscriptions feed it was marked as empty. Once I selected an actual YouTube account it fixed itself, I believe the community posts were what was causing the issue.

Ok do thank's for response and bug track ;) ! I going to try this

O-PM commented 5 months ago

Same with me when checking subscriptions but only there’s a large gap between videos

enokseth commented 5 months ago

Work again magically ^^ !

akifurrahman commented 4 months ago

Found a solution. Go to “uYou ——> Other Settings ——> Remove YouTube ads” and turn it off. You will be getting ads on the youtube homepage but not in the videos (atleast thats the case for me)

enokseth commented 4 months ago

Yes error is patched you can close this issue ! Thanks
