jestjs/jest (@jest/globals)
### [`v29.7.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[create-jest]` Add `npm init` / `yarn create` initialiser for Jest projects ([#14465](
- `[jest-validate]` Allow deprecation warnings for unknown options ([#14499](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-resolver]` Replace unmatched capture groups in `moduleNameMapper` with empty string instead of `undefined` ([#14507](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Allow for strings as well as template literals in inline snapshots ([#14465](
- `[@jest/test-sequencer]` Calculate test runtime if `perStats.duration` is missing ([#14473](
##### Performance
- `[@jest/create-cache-key-function]` Cache access of `NODE_ENV` and `BABEL_ENV` ([#14455](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[jest-cli]` Move internal config initialisation logic to the `create-jest` package ([#14465](
### [`v29.6.4`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-core]` Fix typo in `scheduleAndRun` performance marker ([#14434](
- `[jest-environment-node]` Make sure `atob` and `btoa` are writeable in Node 20 ([#14446](
- `[jest-worker]` Additional error wrapper for `parentPort.postMessage` to fix unhandled `DataCloneError`. ([#14437](
### [`v29.6.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[expect, @jest/expect-utils]` `ObjectContaining` support `sumbol` as key ([#14414](
- `[expect]` Remove `@types/node` from dependencies ([#14385](
- `[jest-core]` Use workers in watch mode by default to avoid crashes ([#14059]( & [#14085](
- `[jest-reporters]` Update `istanbul-lib-instrument` dependency to v6. ([#14401](
- `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13692]( as it was a breaking change ([#14429](
- `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13866]( as it was a breaking change ([#14429](
- `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13867]( as it was a breaking change ([#14429](
- `[@jest/reporters]` Marks Reporter's hooks as optional ([#14433](
- `[jest-runtime]` Fix dynamic ESM import module bug when loaded module through `jest.isolateModulesAsync` ([#14397](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[jest-changed-files, jest-circus, jest-console, @jest/core, @jest/runtime, @jest/transform]` Use `invariant` and `notEmpty` from `jest-util` rather than own internal ([#14366](
### [`v29.6.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-circus]` Fix snapshot matchers in concurrent tests when nr of tests exceeds `maxConcurrency` ([#14335](
- `[@jest/core]` When running global setup and teardown, do not try to change the `message` property of the thrown error object when the `message` property is unwritable ([#14113](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Move `@types/prettier` from `dependencies` to `devDependencies` ([#14328](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Throw an explicit error if Prettier v3 is used ([#14367](
- `[jest-reporters]` Add "skipped" and "todo" symbols to Github Actions Reporter ([#14309](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[@jest/core]` Use `pluralize` from `jest-util` rather than own internal ([#14322](
### [`v29.6.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-circus]` Revert [#14110]( as it was a breaking change ([#14304](
### [`v29.6.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[jest-circus, jest-snapshot]` Add support for snapshot matchers in concurrent tests ([#14139](
- `[jest-cli]` Include type definitions to generated config files ([#14078](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Support arrays as property matchers ([#14025](
- `[jest-core, jest-circus, jest-reporter, jest-runner]` Added support for reporting about start individual test cases using jest-circus ([#14174](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-circus]` Prevent false test failures caused by promise rejections handled asynchronously ([#14110](
- `[jest-config]` Handle frozen config object ([#14054](
- `[jest-config]` Allow `coverageDirectory` and `collectCoverageFrom` in project config ([#14180](
- `[jest-core]` Always use workers in watch mode to avoid crashes ([#14059](
- `[jest-environment-jsdom, jest-environment-node]` Fix assignment of `customExportConditions` via `testEnvironmentOptions` when custom env subclass defines a default value ([#13989](
- `[jest-matcher-utils]` Fix copying value of inherited getters ([#14007](
- `[jest-mock]` Tweak typings to allow `jest.replaceProperty()` replace methods ([#14008](
- `[jest-mock]` Improve user input validation and error messages of `spyOn` and `replaceProperty` methods ([#14087](
- `[jest-runtime]` Bind `jest.isolateModulesAsync` to `this` ([#14083](
- `[jest-runtime]` Forward `wrapperLength` to the `Script` constructor as `columnOffset` for accurate debugging ([#14148](
- `[jest-runtime]` Guard `_isMockFunction` access with `in` ([#14188](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Fix a potential bug when not using prettier and improve performance ([#14036](
- `[@jest/transform]` Do not instrument `.json` modules ([#14048](
- `[jest-worker]` Restart a shut down worker before sending it a task ([#14015](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[*]` Update `semver` dependency to get vulnerability fix ([#14262](
- `[docs]` Updated documentation for the `--runTestsByPath` CLI command ([#14004](
- `[docs]` Updated documentation regarding the synchronous fallback when asynchronous code transforms are unavailable ([#14056](
- `[docs]` Update jest statistics of use and downloads in website Index.
### [`v29.5.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[jest-changed-files]` Support Sapling ([#13941](
- `[jest-circus, @jest/cli, jest-config]` Add feature to randomize order of tests via CLI flag or through the config file([#12922](
- `[jest-cli, jest-config, @jest/core, jest-haste-map, @jest/reporters, jest-runner, jest-runtime, @jest/types]` Add `workerThreads` configuration option to allow using [worker threads]( for parallelization ([#13939](
- `[jest-cli]` Export `yargsOptions` ([#13970](
- `[jest-config]` Add `openHandlesTimeout` option to configure possible open handles warning. ([#13875](
- `[@jest/create-cache-key-function]` Allow passing `length` argument to `createCacheKey()` function and set its default value to `16` on Windows ([#13827](
- `[jest-message-util]` Add support for [AggregateError]( ([#13946]( & [#13947](
- `[jest-message-util]` Add support for [Error causes]( in `test` and `it` ([#13935]( & [#13966](
- `[jest-reporters]` Add `summaryThreshold` option to summary reporter to allow overriding the internal threshold that is used to print the summary of all failed tests when the number of test suites surpasses it ([#13895](
- `[jest-runtime]` Expose `@sinonjs/fake-timers` async APIs functions `advanceTimersByTimeAsync(msToRun)` (`tickAsync(msToRun)`), `advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync(steps)` (`nextAsync`), `runAllTimersAsync` (`runAllAsync`), and `runOnlyPendingTimersAsync` (`runToLastAsync`) ([#13981](
- `[jest-runtime, @jest/transform]` Allow V8 coverage provider to collect coverage from files which were not loaded explicitly ([#13974](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Add support to `cts` and `mts` TypeScript files to inline snapshots ([#13975](
- `[jest-worker]` Add `start` method to worker farms ([#13937](
- `[jest-worker]` Support passing a URL as path to worker ([#13982](
##### Fixes
- `[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]` Fix unwanted hoisting of nested `jest` usages ([#13952](
- `[jest-circus]` Send test case results for `todo` tests ([#13915](
- `[jest-circus]` Update message printed on test timeout ([#13830](
- `[jest-circus]` Avoid creating the word "testfalse" when `takesDoneCallback` is `false` in the message printed on test timeout AND updated timeouts test ([#13954](
- `[jest-environment-jsdom]` Stop setting `document` to `null` on teardown ([#13972](
- `[@jest/expect-utils]` Update `toStrictEqual()` to be able to check `jest.fn().mock.calls` ([#13960](
- `[@jest/test-result]` Allow `TestResultsProcessor` type to return a Promise ([#13950](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[jest-snapshot]` Remove dependency on `jest-haste-map` ([#13977](
### [`v29.4.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[expect]` Update `toThrow()` to be able to use error `cause`s ([#13606](
- `[jest-core]` allow to use `workerIdleMemoryLimit` with only 1 worker or `runInBand` option ([#13846](
- `[jest-message-util]` Add support for [error `cause`s]( ([#13868]( & [#13912](
- `[jest-runtime]` Revert `import assertions` for JSON modules as it's been relegated to Stage 2 ([#13911](
##### Fixes
- `[@jest/expect-utils]` `subsetEquality` should consider also an object's inherited string keys ([#13824](
- `[jest-mock]` Clear mock state when `jest.restoreAllMocks()` is called ([#13867](
- `[jest-mock]` Prevent `mockImplementationOnce` and `mockReturnValueOnce` bleeding into `withImplementation` ([#13888](
- `[jest-mock]` Do not restore mocks when `jest.resetAllMocks()` is called ([#13866](
### [`v29.4.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[@jest/core]` Instrument significant lifecycle events with [`performance.mark()`]( ([#13859](
##### Fixes
- `[expect, @jest/expect]` Provide type of `actual` as a generic argument to `Matchers` to allow better-typed extensions ([#13848](
- `[jest-circus]` Added explicit mention of test failing because `done()` is not being called in error message ([#13847](
- `[jest-runtime]` Handle CJS re-exports of node core modules from ESM ([#13856](
- `[jest-transform]` Downgrade `write-file-atomic` to v4 ([#13853](
- `[jest-worker]` Ignore IPC messages not intended for Jest ([#13543](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[*]` make sure to exclude `.eslintcache` from published module ([#13832](
- `[docs]` Cleanup incorrect links in ([#13857](
### [`v29.4.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[expect, jest-circus, @jest/types]` Implement `numPassingAsserts` of testResults to track the number of passing asserts in a test ([#13795](
- `[jest-core]` Add newlines to JSON output ([#13817](
- `[@jest/reporters]` Automatic log folding in GitHub Actions Reporter ([#13626](
##### Fixes
- `[@jest/expect-utils]` `toMatchObject` diffs should include `Symbol` properties ([#13810](
- `[jest-runtime]` Handle missing `replaceProperty` ([#13823](
- `[@jest/types]` Add partial support for `done` callbacks in typings of `each` ([#13756](
### [`v29.4.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[expect, @jest/expect-utils]` Support custom equality testers ([#13654](
- `[jest-config, jest-worker]` Use `os.availableParallelism` if available to calculate number of workers to spawn ([#13738](
- `[@jest/globals, jest-mock]` Add `jest.replaceProperty()` that replaces property value ([#13496](
- `[jest-haste-map]` ignore Sapling vcs directories (`.sl/`) ([#13674](
- `[jest-resolve]` Support subpath imports ([#13705](, [#13723](, [#13777](
- `[jest-runtime]` Add `jest.isolateModulesAsync` for scoped module initialization of asynchronous functions ([#13680](
- `[jest-runtime]` Add `jest.isEnvironmentTornDown` function ([#13741](
- `[jest-test-result]` Added `skipped` and `focused` status to `FormattedTestResult` ([#13700](
- `[jest-transform]` Support for asynchronous `createTransformer` ([#13762](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-environment-node]` Fix non-configurable globals ([#13687](
- `[@jest/expect-utils]` `toMatchObject` should handle `Symbol` properties ([#13639](
- `[jest-mock]` Fix `mockReset` and `resetAllMocks` `undefined` return value([#13692](
- `[jest-resolve]` Add global paths to `require.resolve.paths` ([#13633](
- `[jest-resolve]` Correct node core module detection when using `node:` specifiers ([#13806](
- `[jest-runtime]` Support WASM files that import JS resources ([#13608](
- `[jest-runtime]` Use the `scriptTransformer` cache in `jest-runner` ([#13735](
- `[jest-runtime]` Enforce import assertions when importing JSON in ESM ([#12755]( & [#13805](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Make sure to import `babel` outside of the sandbox ([#13694](
- `[jest-transform]` Ensure the correct configuration is passed to preprocessors specified multiple times in the `transform` option ([#13770](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[@jest/fake-timers]` Update `@sinonjs/fake-timers` ([#13612](
- `[docs]` Improve custom puppeteer example to prevent worker warnings ([#13619](
### [`v29.3.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-config]` Do not warn about `preset` in `ProjectConfig` ([#13583](
##### Performance
- `[jest-transform]` Defer creation of cache directory ([#13420](
### [`v29.3.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[jest-runtime]` Support WebAssembly (Wasm) imports in ESM modules ([#13505](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-config]` Add config validation for `projects` option ([#13565](
- `[jest-mock]` Treat cjs modules as objects so they can be mocked ([#13513](
- `[jest-worker]` Throw an error instead of hanging when jest workers terminate unexpectedly ([#13566](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[@jest/transform]` Update `convert-source-map` ([#13509](
- `[docs]` Mention `toStrictEqual` in UsingMatchers docs. ([#13560](
### [`v29.2.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[@jest/test-sequencer]` Make sure sharding does not produce empty groups ([#13476](
- `[jest-circus]` Test marked as `todo` are shown as todo when inside a focussed describe ([#13504](
- `[jest-mock]` Ensure mock resolved and rejected values are promises from correct realm ([#13503](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Don't highlight passing asymmetric property matchers in snapshot diff ([#13480](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[docs]` Update link to Jest 28 upgrade guide in error message ([#13483](
- `[jest-runner, jest-watcher]` Update `emittery` ([#13490](
### [`v29.2.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[@jest/globals, jest-mock]` Add `jest.Spied*` utility types ([#13440](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-environment-node]` make `globalThis.performance` writable for Node 19 and fake timers ([#13467](
- `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13398]( to restore mocking of setters ([#13472](
##### Performance
- `[*]` Use sha1 instead of sha256 for hashing ([#13421](
### [`v29.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[@jest/cli, jest-config]` A seed for the test run will be randomly generated, or set by a CLI option ([#13400](
- `[@jest/cli, jest-config]` `--show-seed` will display the seed value in the report, and can be set via a CLI flag or through the config file ([#13400](
- `[jest-config]` Add `readInitialConfig` utility function ([#13356](
- `[jest-core]` Allow `testResultsProcessor` to be async ([#13343](
- `[@jest/environment, jest-environment-node, jest-environment-jsdom, jest-runtime]` Add `getSeed()` to the `jest` object ([#13400](
- `[expect, @jest/expect-utils]` Allow `isA` utility to take a type argument ([#13355](
- `[expect]` Expose `AsyncExpectationResult` and `SyncExpectationResult` types ([#13411](
##### Fixes
- `[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]` Ignore `TSTypeQuery` when checking for hoisted references ([#13367](
- `[jest-core]` Fix `detectOpenHandles` false positives for some special objects such as `TLSWRAP` ([#13414](
- `[jest-mock]` Fix mocking of getters and setters on classes ([#13398](
- `[jest-reporters]` Revert: Transform file paths into hyperlinks ([#13399](
- `[@jest/types]` Infer type of `each` table correctly when the table is a tuple or array ([#13381](
- `[@jest/types]` Rework typings to allow the `*ReturnedWith` matchers to be called with no argument ([#13385](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[*]` Update `@babel/*` deps, resulting in slightly different stack traces for `each` ([#13422](
##### Performance
- `[jest-runner]` Do not instrument v8 coverage data if coverage should not be collected ([#13282](
### [`v29.1.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[expect, @jest/expect]` Revert buggy inference of argument types for `*CalledWith` and `*ReturnedWith` matchers introduced in 29.1.0 ([#13339](
- `[jest-worker]` Add missing dependency on `jest-util` ([#13341](
### [`v29.1.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13145]( which broke mocking of transpiled ES modules
### [`v29.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[expect, @jest/expect]` Support type inference for function parameters in `CalledWith` assertions ([#13268](
- `[expect, @jest/expect]` Infer type of `*ReturnedWith` matchers argument ([#13278](
- `[@jest/environment, jest-runtime]` Allow `jest.requireActual` and `jest.requireMock` to take a type argument ([#13253](
- `[@jest/environment]` Allow `jest.mock` and `jest.doMock` to take a type argument ([#13254](
- `[@jest/fake-timers]` Add `` to return the current fake clock time ([#13244](, [#13246](
- `[@jest/mock]` Add `withImplementation` method for temporarily overriding a mock ([#13281](
- `[expect]` Export `toThrow*` matchers ([#13328](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-circus, jest-jasmine2]` Fix error messages for Node's `assert.throes` ([#13322](
- `[jest-haste-map]` Remove `__proto__` usage ([#13256](
- `[jest-mock]` Improve `spyOn` typings to handle optional properties ([#13247](
- `[jest-mock]` Fix mocking of getters and setters on classes ([#13145](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Throw useful error when an array is passed as property matchers ([#13263](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Prioritize parser used in the project ([#13323](
- `[jest-transform]` Attempt to work around issues with atomic writes on Windows ([#11423](
### [`v29.0.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[@jest/environment, jest-runtime]` Allow passing a generic type argument to `jest.createMockFromModule()` method ([#13202](
- `[expect]` Expose `ExpectationResult` type ([#13240](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Expose `Context` type ([#13240](
- `[@jest/globals]` Add `jest.Mock` type helper ([#13235](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-core]` Capture `execError` during `TestScheduler.scheduleTests` and dispatch to reporters ([#13203](
- `[jest-resolve]` Make sure to resolve module paths after looking at `exports` ([#13242](
- `[jest-resolve]` Improve error on module not found deep in the `require` stack ([#8704](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Fix typings of snapshot matchers ([#13240](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[*]` Fix inconsistent workspace prefixes ([#13217](
- `[jest-haste-map]` Expose a minimal public API to TypeScript ([#13023](
### [`v29.0.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[jest-transform]` Expose `TransformFactory` type ([#13184](
##### Fixes
- `[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]` Support imported `jest` in mock factory ([#13188](
- `[jest-mock]` Align the behavior and return type of `generateFromMetadata` method ([#13207](
- `[jest-runtime]` Support `jest.resetModules()` with ESM ([#13211](
### [`v29.0.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-snapshot]` Pass `snapshotFormat` through when diffing snapshots ([#13181](
### [`v29.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `[expect]` \[**BREAKING**] Differentiate between `MatcherContext` `MatcherUtils` and `MatcherState` types ([#13141](
- `[jest-circus]` Add support for `test.failing.each` ([#13142](
- `[jest-config]` \[**BREAKING**] Make `snapshotFormat` default to `escapeString: false` and `printBasicPrototype: false` ([#13036](
- `[jest-config]` \[**BREAKING**] Remove undocumented `collectCoverageOnlyFrom` option ([#13156](
- `[jest-environment-jsdom]` \[**BREAKING**] Upgrade to `jsdom@20` ([#13037](, [#13058](
- `[@jest/globals]` Add `jest.Mocked`, `jest.MockedClass`, `jest.MockedFunction` and `jest.MockedObject` utility types ([#12727](
- `[jest-mock]` \[**BREAKING**] Refactor `Mocked*` utility types. `MaybeMockedDeep` and `MaybeMocked` became `Mocked` and `MockedShallow` respectively; only deep mocked variants of `MockedClass`, `MockedFunction` and `MockedObject` are exported ([#13123](, [#13124](
- `[jest-mock]` \[**BREAKING**] Change the default `jest.mocked` helper’s behavior to deep mocked ([#13125](
- `[jest-snapshot]` \[**BREAKING**] Let `babel` find config when updating inline snapshots ([#13150](
- `[@jest/test-result, @jest/types]` \[**BREAKING**] Replace `Bytes` and `Milliseconds` types with `number` ([#13155](
- `[jest-worker]` Adds `workerIdleMemoryLimit` option which is used as a check for worker memory leaks >= Node 16.11.0 and recycles child workers as required ([#13056](, [#13105](, [#13106](, [#13107](
- `[pretty-format]` \[**BREAKING**] Remove `ConvertAnsi` plugin in favour of `jest-serializer-ansi-escapes` ([#13040](
- `[pretty-format]` Allow to opt out from sorting object keys with `compareKeys: null` ([#12443](
##### Fixes
- `[jest-config]` Fix testing multiple projects with TypeScript config files ([#13099](
- `[@jest/expect-utils]` Fix deep equality of ImmutableJS Record ([#13055](
- `[jest-haste-map]` Increase the maximum possible file size that jest-haste-map can handle ([#13094](
- `[jest-runtime]` Properly support CJS re-exports from dual packages ([#13170](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Make `prettierPath` optional in `SnapshotState` ([#13149](
- `[jest-snapshot]` Fix parsing error from inline snapshot files with `JSX` ([#12760](
- `[jest-worker]` When a process runs out of memory worker exits correctly and doesn't spin indefinitely ([#13054](
##### Chore & Maintenance
- `[*]` \[**BREAKING**] Drop support for Node v12 and v17 ([#13033](
- `[docs]` Fix webpack name ([#13049](
- `[docs]` Explicit how to set `n` for `--bail` ([#13128](
- `[docs]` Update Enzyme URL ([#13166](
- `[jest-leak-detector]` Remove support for `weak-napi` ([#13035](
- `[jest-snapshot]` \[**BREAKING**] Require `rootDir` as argument to `SnapshotState` ([#13150](
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
jestjs/jest (@jest/globals)
### [`v29.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[create-jest]` Add `npm init` / `yarn create` initialiser for Jest projects ([#14465]( - `[jest-validate]` Allow deprecation warnings for unknown options ([#14499]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-resolver]` Replace unmatched capture groups in `moduleNameMapper` with empty string instead of `undefined` ([#14507]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Allow for strings as well as template literals in inline snapshots ([#14465]( - `[@jest/test-sequencer]` Calculate test runtime if `perStats.duration` is missing ([#14473]( ##### Performance - `[@jest/create-cache-key-function]` Cache access of `NODE_ENV` and `BABEL_ENV` ([#14455]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[jest-cli]` Move internal config initialisation logic to the `create-jest` package ([#14465]( ### [`v29.6.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-core]` Fix typo in `scheduleAndRun` performance marker ([#14434]( - `[jest-environment-node]` Make sure `atob` and `btoa` are writeable in Node 20 ([#14446]( - `[jest-worker]` Additional error wrapper for `parentPort.postMessage` to fix unhandled `DataCloneError`. ([#14437]( ### [`v29.6.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[expect, @jest/expect-utils]` `ObjectContaining` support `sumbol` as key ([#14414]( - `[expect]` Remove `@types/node` from dependencies ([#14385]( - `[jest-core]` Use workers in watch mode by default to avoid crashes ([#14059]( & [#14085]( - `[jest-reporters]` Update `istanbul-lib-instrument` dependency to v6. ([#14401]( - `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13692]( as it was a breaking change ([#14429]( - `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13866]( as it was a breaking change ([#14429]( - `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13867]( as it was a breaking change ([#14429]( - `[@jest/reporters]` Marks Reporter's hooks as optional ([#14433]( - `[jest-runtime]` Fix dynamic ESM import module bug when loaded module through `jest.isolateModulesAsync` ([#14397]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[jest-changed-files, jest-circus, jest-console, @jest/core, @jest/runtime, @jest/transform]` Use `invariant` and `notEmpty` from `jest-util` rather than own internal ([#14366]( ### [`v29.6.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-circus]` Fix snapshot matchers in concurrent tests when nr of tests exceeds `maxConcurrency` ([#14335]( - `[@jest/core]` When running global setup and teardown, do not try to change the `message` property of the thrown error object when the `message` property is unwritable ([#14113]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Move `@types/prettier` from `dependencies` to `devDependencies` ([#14328]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Throw an explicit error if Prettier v3 is used ([#14367]( - `[jest-reporters]` Add "skipped" and "todo" symbols to Github Actions Reporter ([#14309]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[@jest/core]` Use `pluralize` from `jest-util` rather than own internal ([#14322]( ### [`v29.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-circus]` Revert [#14110]( as it was a breaking change ([#14304]( ### [`v29.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[jest-circus, jest-snapshot]` Add support for snapshot matchers in concurrent tests ([#14139]( - `[jest-cli]` Include type definitions to generated config files ([#14078]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Support arrays as property matchers ([#14025]( - `[jest-core, jest-circus, jest-reporter, jest-runner]` Added support for reporting about start individual test cases using jest-circus ([#14174]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-circus]` Prevent false test failures caused by promise rejections handled asynchronously ([#14110]( - `[jest-config]` Handle frozen config object ([#14054]( - `[jest-config]` Allow `coverageDirectory` and `collectCoverageFrom` in project config ([#14180]( - `[jest-core]` Always use workers in watch mode to avoid crashes ([#14059]( - `[jest-environment-jsdom, jest-environment-node]` Fix assignment of `customExportConditions` via `testEnvironmentOptions` when custom env subclass defines a default value ([#13989]( - `[jest-matcher-utils]` Fix copying value of inherited getters ([#14007]( - `[jest-mock]` Tweak typings to allow `jest.replaceProperty()` replace methods ([#14008]( - `[jest-mock]` Improve user input validation and error messages of `spyOn` and `replaceProperty` methods ([#14087]( - `[jest-runtime]` Bind `jest.isolateModulesAsync` to `this` ([#14083]( - `[jest-runtime]` Forward `wrapperLength` to the `Script` constructor as `columnOffset` for accurate debugging ([#14148]( - `[jest-runtime]` Guard `_isMockFunction` access with `in` ([#14188]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Fix a potential bug when not using prettier and improve performance ([#14036]( - `[@jest/transform]` Do not instrument `.json` modules ([#14048]( - `[jest-worker]` Restart a shut down worker before sending it a task ([#14015]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[*]` Update `semver` dependency to get vulnerability fix ([#14262]( - `[docs]` Updated documentation for the `--runTestsByPath` CLI command ([#14004]( - `[docs]` Updated documentation regarding the synchronous fallback when asynchronous code transforms are unavailable ([#14056]( - `[docs]` Update jest statistics of use and downloads in website Index. ### [`v29.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[jest-changed-files]` Support Sapling ([#13941]( - `[jest-circus, @jest/cli, jest-config]` Add feature to randomize order of tests via CLI flag or through the config file([#12922]( - `[jest-cli, jest-config, @jest/core, jest-haste-map, @jest/reporters, jest-runner, jest-runtime, @jest/types]` Add `workerThreads` configuration option to allow using [worker threads]( for parallelization ([#13939]( - `[jest-cli]` Export `yargsOptions` ([#13970]( - `[jest-config]` Add `openHandlesTimeout` option to configure possible open handles warning. ([#13875]( - `[@jest/create-cache-key-function]` Allow passing `length` argument to `createCacheKey()` function and set its default value to `16` on Windows ([#13827]( - `[jest-message-util]` Add support for [AggregateError]( ([#13946]( & [#13947]( - `[jest-message-util]` Add support for [Error causes]( in `test` and `it` ([#13935]( & [#13966]( - `[jest-reporters]` Add `summaryThreshold` option to summary reporter to allow overriding the internal threshold that is used to print the summary of all failed tests when the number of test suites surpasses it ([#13895]( - `[jest-runtime]` Expose `@sinonjs/fake-timers` async APIs functions `advanceTimersByTimeAsync(msToRun)` (`tickAsync(msToRun)`), `advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync(steps)` (`nextAsync`), `runAllTimersAsync` (`runAllAsync`), and `runOnlyPendingTimersAsync` (`runToLastAsync`) ([#13981]( - `[jest-runtime, @jest/transform]` Allow V8 coverage provider to collect coverage from files which were not loaded explicitly ([#13974]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Add support to `cts` and `mts` TypeScript files to inline snapshots ([#13975]( - `[jest-worker]` Add `start` method to worker farms ([#13937]( - `[jest-worker]` Support passing a URL as path to worker ([#13982]( ##### Fixes - `[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]` Fix unwanted hoisting of nested `jest` usages ([#13952]( - `[jest-circus]` Send test case results for `todo` tests ([#13915]( - `[jest-circus]` Update message printed on test timeout ([#13830]( - `[jest-circus]` Avoid creating the word "testfalse" when `takesDoneCallback` is `false` in the message printed on test timeout AND updated timeouts test ([#13954]( - `[jest-environment-jsdom]` Stop setting `document` to `null` on teardown ([#13972]( - `[@jest/expect-utils]` Update `toStrictEqual()` to be able to check `jest.fn().mock.calls` ([#13960]( - `[@jest/test-result]` Allow `TestResultsProcessor` type to return a Promise ([#13950]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[jest-snapshot]` Remove dependency on `jest-haste-map` ([#13977]( ### [`v29.4.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[expect]` Update `toThrow()` to be able to use error `cause`s ([#13606]( - `[jest-core]` allow to use `workerIdleMemoryLimit` with only 1 worker or `runInBand` option ([#13846]( - `[jest-message-util]` Add support for [error `cause`s]( ([#13868]( & [#13912]( - `[jest-runtime]` Revert `import assertions` for JSON modules as it's been relegated to Stage 2 ([#13911]( ##### Fixes - `[@jest/expect-utils]` `subsetEquality` should consider also an object's inherited string keys ([#13824]( - `[jest-mock]` Clear mock state when `jest.restoreAllMocks()` is called ([#13867]( - `[jest-mock]` Prevent `mockImplementationOnce` and `mockReturnValueOnce` bleeding into `withImplementation` ([#13888]( - `[jest-mock]` Do not restore mocks when `jest.resetAllMocks()` is called ([#13866]( ### [`v29.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[@jest/core]` Instrument significant lifecycle events with [`performance.mark()`]( ([#13859]( ##### Fixes - `[expect, @jest/expect]` Provide type of `actual` as a generic argument to `Matchers` to allow better-typed extensions ([#13848]( - `[jest-circus]` Added explicit mention of test failing because `done()` is not being called in error message ([#13847]( - `[jest-runtime]` Handle CJS re-exports of node core modules from ESM ([#13856]( - `[jest-transform]` Downgrade `write-file-atomic` to v4 ([#13853]( - `[jest-worker]` Ignore IPC messages not intended for Jest ([#13543]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[*]` make sure to exclude `.eslintcache` from published module ([#13832]( - `[docs]` Cleanup incorrect links in ([#13857]( ### [`v29.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[expect, jest-circus, @jest/types]` Implement `numPassingAsserts` of testResults to track the number of passing asserts in a test ([#13795]( - `[jest-core]` Add newlines to JSON output ([#13817]( - `[@jest/reporters]` Automatic log folding in GitHub Actions Reporter ([#13626]( ##### Fixes - `[@jest/expect-utils]` `toMatchObject` diffs should include `Symbol` properties ([#13810]( - `[jest-runtime]` Handle missing `replaceProperty` ([#13823]( - `[@jest/types]` Add partial support for `done` callbacks in typings of `each` ([#13756]( ### [`v29.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[expect, @jest/expect-utils]` Support custom equality testers ([#13654]( - `[jest-config, jest-worker]` Use `os.availableParallelism` if available to calculate number of workers to spawn ([#13738]( - `[@jest/globals, jest-mock]` Add `jest.replaceProperty()` that replaces property value ([#13496]( - `[jest-haste-map]` ignore Sapling vcs directories (`.sl/`) ([#13674]( - `[jest-resolve]` Support subpath imports ([#13705](, [#13723](, [#13777]( - `[jest-runtime]` Add `jest.isolateModulesAsync` for scoped module initialization of asynchronous functions ([#13680]( - `[jest-runtime]` Add `jest.isEnvironmentTornDown` function ([#13741]( - `[jest-test-result]` Added `skipped` and `focused` status to `FormattedTestResult` ([#13700]( - `[jest-transform]` Support for asynchronous `createTransformer` ([#13762]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-environment-node]` Fix non-configurable globals ([#13687]( - `[@jest/expect-utils]` `toMatchObject` should handle `Symbol` properties ([#13639]( - `[jest-mock]` Fix `mockReset` and `resetAllMocks` `undefined` return value([#13692]( - `[jest-resolve]` Add global paths to `require.resolve.paths` ([#13633]( - `[jest-resolve]` Correct node core module detection when using `node:` specifiers ([#13806]( - `[jest-runtime]` Support WASM files that import JS resources ([#13608]( - `[jest-runtime]` Use the `scriptTransformer` cache in `jest-runner` ([#13735]( - `[jest-runtime]` Enforce import assertions when importing JSON in ESM ([#12755]( & [#13805]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Make sure to import `babel` outside of the sandbox ([#13694]( - `[jest-transform]` Ensure the correct configuration is passed to preprocessors specified multiple times in the `transform` option ([#13770]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[@jest/fake-timers]` Update `@sinonjs/fake-timers` ([#13612]( - `[docs]` Improve custom puppeteer example to prevent worker warnings ([#13619]( ### [`v29.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-config]` Do not warn about `preset` in `ProjectConfig` ([#13583]( ##### Performance - `[jest-transform]` Defer creation of cache directory ([#13420]( ### [`v29.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[jest-runtime]` Support WebAssembly (Wasm) imports in ESM modules ([#13505]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-config]` Add config validation for `projects` option ([#13565]( - `[jest-mock]` Treat cjs modules as objects so they can be mocked ([#13513]( - `[jest-worker]` Throw an error instead of hanging when jest workers terminate unexpectedly ([#13566]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[@jest/transform]` Update `convert-source-map` ([#13509]( - `[docs]` Mention `toStrictEqual` in UsingMatchers docs. ([#13560]( ### [`v29.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[@jest/test-sequencer]` Make sure sharding does not produce empty groups ([#13476]( - `[jest-circus]` Test marked as `todo` are shown as todo when inside a focussed describe ([#13504]( - `[jest-mock]` Ensure mock resolved and rejected values are promises from correct realm ([#13503]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Don't highlight passing asymmetric property matchers in snapshot diff ([#13480]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[docs]` Update link to Jest 28 upgrade guide in error message ([#13483]( - `[jest-runner, jest-watcher]` Update `emittery` ([#13490]( ### [`v29.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[@jest/globals, jest-mock]` Add `jest.Spied*` utility types ([#13440]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-environment-node]` make `globalThis.performance` writable for Node 19 and fake timers ([#13467]( - `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13398]( to restore mocking of setters ([#13472]( ##### Performance - `[*]` Use sha1 instead of sha256 for hashing ([#13421]( ### [`v29.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[@jest/cli, jest-config]` A seed for the test run will be randomly generated, or set by a CLI option ([#13400]( - `[@jest/cli, jest-config]` `--show-seed` will display the seed value in the report, and can be set via a CLI flag or through the config file ([#13400]( - `[jest-config]` Add `readInitialConfig` utility function ([#13356]( - `[jest-core]` Allow `testResultsProcessor` to be async ([#13343]( - `[@jest/environment, jest-environment-node, jest-environment-jsdom, jest-runtime]` Add `getSeed()` to the `jest` object ([#13400]( - `[expect, @jest/expect-utils]` Allow `isA` utility to take a type argument ([#13355]( - `[expect]` Expose `AsyncExpectationResult` and `SyncExpectationResult` types ([#13411]( ##### Fixes - `[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]` Ignore `TSTypeQuery` when checking for hoisted references ([#13367]( - `[jest-core]` Fix `detectOpenHandles` false positives for some special objects such as `TLSWRAP` ([#13414]( - `[jest-mock]` Fix mocking of getters and setters on classes ([#13398]( - `[jest-reporters]` Revert: Transform file paths into hyperlinks ([#13399]( - `[@jest/types]` Infer type of `each` table correctly when the table is a tuple or array ([#13381]( - `[@jest/types]` Rework typings to allow the `*ReturnedWith` matchers to be called with no argument ([#13385]( ##### Chore & Maintenance - `[*]` Update `@babel/*` deps, resulting in slightly different stack traces for `each` ([#13422]( ##### Performance - `[jest-runner]` Do not instrument v8 coverage data if coverage should not be collected ([#13282]( ### [`v29.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[expect, @jest/expect]` Revert buggy inference of argument types for `*CalledWith` and `*ReturnedWith` matchers introduced in 29.1.0 ([#13339]( - `[jest-worker]` Add missing dependency on `jest-util` ([#13341]( ### [`v29.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-mock]` Revert [#13145]( which broke mocking of transpiled ES modules ### [`v29.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[expect, @jest/expect]` Support type inference for function parameters in `CalledWith` assertions ([#13268]( - `[expect, @jest/expect]` Infer type of `*ReturnedWith` matchers argument ([#13278]( - `[@jest/environment, jest-runtime]` Allow `jest.requireActual` and `jest.requireMock` to take a type argument ([#13253]( - `[@jest/environment]` Allow `jest.mock` and `jest.doMock` to take a type argument ([#13254]( - `[@jest/fake-timers]` Add `` to return the current fake clock time ([#13244](, [#13246]( - `[@jest/mock]` Add `withImplementation` method for temporarily overriding a mock ([#13281]( - `[expect]` Export `toThrow*` matchers ([#13328]( ##### Fixes - `[jest-circus, jest-jasmine2]` Fix error messages for Node's `assert.throes` ([#13322]( - `[jest-haste-map]` Remove `__proto__` usage ([#13256]( - `[jest-mock]` Improve `spyOn` typings to handle optional properties ([#13247]( - `[jest-mock]` Fix mocking of getters and setters on classes ([#13145]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Throw useful error when an array is passed as property matchers ([#13263]( - `[jest-snapshot]` Prioritize parser used in the project ([#13323]( - `[jest-transform]` Attempt to work around issues with atomic writes on Windows ([#11423]( ### [`v29.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - `[@jest/environment, jest-runtime]` Allow passing a generic type argument to `jest.createMockFromModuleConfiguration
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