qoala / InvisibleInc-CommunityBugFixes

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PRNG can repeat too quickly on certain inputs #71

Closed qoala closed 8 months ago

qoala commented 11 months ago



Someone at Klei tried to take this c code https://web.archive.org/web/20050223151803/http://remus.rutgers.edu/~rhoads/Code/random.c and port it to lua. Problem is, almost all prng is built on integer arithmetic, but by default lua only uses floating point numbers. While it is true that a double-precision float can hold any 32-bit int, this is not the case for the product of two ints.


Inputting 2898587136 as the initial seed causes it to loop back on itself in only 5647 calls, rather than the ~2^32 it is supposed to take.

qoala commented 11 months ago


local function next( self )
    -- http://remus.rutgers.edu/~rhoads/Code/random.c
    -- LUA:
    -- Our assumption is that double-precision is encoded with 64 bits (according to IEEE 754)
    -- We have enough precision to handle all 32 bit unsigned integer representations, and calculate
    -- modulo 2^32 to generate single-point precision random values.

    local a, m, q, r1, r2 = 1588635695, 4294967291, 2, 17054, 44957
    local s1, s2 = math.floor(self._seed / (2^17)), (math.floor(self._seed / 2) % (2^16))
    local p = (r2 * s2) + (2^16) * r1 * s2 + (2^16) * r2 * s1 -- r1 * s1 are MSB and discarded
    self._seed = a*(self._seed % q) - p
    self._seed = self._seed % (2^32)
    return self._seed / m