qojulia / QuantumOptics.jl

Library for the numerical simulation of closed as well as open quantum systems.
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better error message when the Hamiltonian or Lindblad function are not of the necessary output type (currently we just get an confusing assert error) #387

Open Krastanov opened 2 months ago

Krastanov commented 2 months ago

See https://discourse.julialang.org/t/quantumoptics-jl-time-dependent-hamiltonian-cannot-run/113448/9?u=krastanov

When we have H(t,rho) -> matrix, an assert fails in master_dynamic. We can have a better error message there.

gfq960906 commented 2 months ago

Provide some examples to supplement this issue:

psi_0 = (tensor(plus,s0) + tensor(plus,s1) + tensor(minus,s0) + tensor(minus,s1))/sqrt(4)
psi_f = (tensor(plus,s0) + tensor(plus,sr) + tensor(sr,s0) + tensor(minus,s1))/sqrt(4)
function Hami(t,rho)
    detuning = Delta_0*t + (2*delta*sin((omega_0*t)/2)^2)/omega_0

    H1 = Omega/2*exp(-1im*(beta*pi/2-alpha-pi/2))*exp(-1im*detuning)*sr⊗dagger(minus) + Omega/2*exp(1im*(beta*pi/2-alpha-pi/2))*exp(1im*detuning)*minus⊗dagger(sr)
    H2 = Omega/2*exp(-1im*(beta*pi/2-alpha-pi/2))*exp(-1im*detuning)*sr⊗dagger(s1) + Omega/2*exp(1im*(beta*pi/2-alpha-pi/2))*exp(1im*detuning)*s1⊗dagger(sr)

    return tensor(H1, eye4) + tensor(eye4, H2) + Urr*tensor(sr⊗dagger(sr), sr⊗dagger(sr))

tout, pops = timeevolution.schroedinger_dynamic(tlist, psi_0, Hami)

Because the Initial value psi_0 is Bra type, we need to use the command schroedinger_dynamic.