Open nyc-cr2 opened 6 years ago
Hi @nyc-cr2, thanks for your reporting! :+1:
That feature is not implemented ATM. The value is shown as it's, if balance stores the number 10.1, 10.1 is shown.
I have not time to add new features, sorry... :cry: If you want help us, please, send a PR
Is there a workaround of any sort for this or any way to specify a pipe or post format function before rendering the value. My use case is simpler in we just need to pipe a | number so commas get added.
I've got a workaround to use a piped output but there are issues. It will error prefilling the current value to the inline editor but I can live with that
<inline-editor type="number" ([ngModel])="item.hours" name="hours"></inline-editor>
<inline-editor type="number" [ngModel]="item.hours | number" (ngModelChange)="item.hours=$event" name="hours"></inline-editor>
Is it possible to format the output somehow? Something like this? (it doesn't work but was wondering if I'm missing a property by chance)
<inline-editor class="edit-data" type="text" [(ngModel)]="balance" onaftersave="update()">{{balance | currency:'USD':true:'2.0-0'}}</inline-editor>