qoobaa / s3

Library for accessing S3 objects and buckets, supports EU and US buckets
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Paperclip and extras/s3_paperclip.rb #30

Closed frekw closed 13 years ago

frekw commented 13 years ago


I've followed the instructions and put s3_paperclip.rb in my config/initializers dir and it loads when the app loads (as it should).

However, when my model gets loaded I get the error 

no such file to load -- aws/s3 (You may need to install the aws-s3 gem)

indicating the monkey patch hasn't been applied. I can also confirm this by changing my model definition to manually requiring the file after the first request has been loaded. If I restart the server it's broken once again.

Running Rails 3.0.2 with the latest s3 and paperclip gem.

Any insights and/or tips? Regards, Fredrik

frekw commented 13 years ago

It looks like https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/blob/master/features/support/s3.rb may be causing this and needs a monkey patch as well.