qooxdoo / qooxdoo

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keyboard: always fireInputEvent whenever a charcode is provided #10671

Closed p9malino26 closed 1 month ago

p9malino26 commented 2 months ago

This PR fixes an issue in qx.event.handler.Keyboard where, if both a non-0 keycode and non-0 charcode are passed into _idealKeyHandler, this._fireInputEvent will not run, even though a text character key has been pressed. This will not fire a "keyinput" event when it should be fired. This scenario only occurs in some browsers, such as Firefox but not Chrome.

I know that the current keyboard system uses things which are deprecated, so it will be necessary to rewrite it in the future, but do you all think that this is a good fix for now?

goldim commented 2 months ago

@p9malino26 Thank you for the PR but could you attach some code example next time please to ease test your request?

p9malino26 commented 2 months ago

To test, go to branch keyboard-test of zx.ui.theme.avocado type some stuff into the textfield and check if the correct stuff is printed in the console.

goldim commented 1 month ago

check if the correct stuff is printed in the console

@p9malino26 Tbh I don't know what to check. What do you mean under "the correct stuff"? I've tried both browsers: firefox (>124 version) and chrome-like browser. Used master of qooxdoo and your branch with fix and haven't noticed difference between outputs. I tried to press different keyboard buttons. Thank you for the separate branch for testing but still be good decision to make an issue and fill the issue template. I ask you for it bc maybe problem is gone with new browser version for example. I would like to confirm the problem at first.

p9malino26 commented 1 month ago

Just realised that this bug has already been fixed but my team didn't merge those changes into our fork of Qx yet! Apologies for brining up this PR.