qooxdoo / qooxdoo

qooxdoo - Universal JavaScript Framework
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fix: apply field placeholder styles in all engines #10676

Closed WillsterJohnsonAtZenesis closed 1 month ago

WillsterJohnsonAtZenesis commented 1 month ago

related: #10210, https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/pull/10210#issuecomment-1383673762

Placeholder styles were broken on Gecko and Webkit engines due to missing addRule calls after determining the appropriate selector.

Side note; it may make sense to default to ::placeholder for all browsers, and only fallback to the engine-specific selector if a version or engine is detected which does not support the standard ::placeholder pseudo selector (browser compatibility table). This is not something which this PR implements.

goldim commented 1 month ago

@WillsterJohnsonAtZenesis I wonder how did you notice it? Colors of placeholders don't work, do they?