qooxdoo / qooxdoo

qooxdoo - Universal JavaScript Framework
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Using hide() and show() reload the loaded plug-in e.g. Flash (BZ#2367) #2507

Closed qx-bug-importer closed 8 years ago

qx-bug-importer commented 15 years ago

Christian Hagendorn (@Hagendorn) wrote:

If the Flash widget is set to hidden and afterwards to visible the loaded Flash movie is reloaded. It seems that the IE 7 is not affected with his issue, but FF 3.0.10, Opera 9.63, Safari 3.2.2 and Chrome reload the Flash movie.

This code snippet reproduce this issue:

var button = new qx.ui.form.Button("First Button"); button.addListener("execute", function(e) { if (flash.isVisible()) { flash.hide(); } else { flash.show(); } });

var flash = new qx.ui.embed.Flash("testflash/TestFlash.swf").set({ width: 300, height: 200 });

var doc = this.getRoot(); doc.add(button, {left: 50, top: 50}) doc.add(flash, {left: 50, top: 100});

assigned to Jonathan Weiß (qooxdoo-bugs)

qx-bug-importer commented 14 years ago

Jonathan Weiß (qooxdoo-bugs) wrote:

As discussed: -> WONTFIX