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qooxdoo - Universal JavaScript Framework
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Switch to native Promises in framework code #9877

Open cboulanger opened 4 years ago

cboulanger commented 4 years ago

Given universal support of Promises in Browsers and Node (and the availability of polyfills), there isn't a reason to provide our own Promise implementation (qx.Promise) any more once qooxdoo switches to support ECMAScript 6, since it introduces backwards-compatibility issues that we don't want to have to deal with, and might also be a performance issue.

johnspackman commented 4 years ago

i dont think we should deprecate qx.Promise - it adds a load of features that are useful (eg static methods such as .all etc as well as member methods) and which can be reimplemented on top of native Promise; however, ditching bluebird seems reasonable if all supported browsers provide native promises.

goldim commented 2 weeks ago

Tried to cut off blubird promises and use only native promises instead. But got senior trouble: Native promise can't be cancellable. There is some work around but not sure about it. But the way who will be involved to solve this task there are some of my developments: https://github.com/goldim/qooxdoo/pull/2 . Not sure can complete it.

johnspackman commented 2 weeks ago

I think it's possible, eg I've just read this: https://medium.com/@masnun/creating-cancellable-promises-33bf4b9da39c