qooxdoo / qxl.apiviewer

qooxdoo apiviewer app
MIT License
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API viewer is broken when added to projects #28

Closed johnspackman closed 4 years ago

johnspackman commented 4 years ago

This code will produce an API viewer which crashes during startup:

qx create myFirstApp --noninteractive
cd myFirstApp
qx package install qooxdoo/qxl.apiviewer
qx serve --show-startpage
hkollmann commented 4 years ago

image Works fine for me ?

hkollmann commented 4 years ago

Installed versionlabel (qooxdoo/qxl.versionlabel, 1.0.0-beta.3) Installed Qooxdoo API Viewer (qooxdoo/qxl.apiviewer, 1.0.0-beta.7)

hkollmann commented 4 years ago

What's the error log?

cboulanger commented 4 years ago

Works for me, too. But I noticed another bug: Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-31 um 20 38 49

johnspackman commented 4 years ago

Weird; this is what I've just done:

[john@centos7 ~]$ node -v
bash: node: command not found
[john@centos7 ~]$ nvm use 12
Now using node v12.16.1 (npm v6.13.4)
[john@centos7 ~]$ node -v
[john@centos7 ~]$ npm i -g @qooxdoo/compiler
# ... snip ...
[john@centos7 ~]$ qx create myFirstApp --noninteractive && cd myFirstApp && qx package install qooxdoo/qxl.apiviewer && qx serve --show-startpage
# ... snip ...
Web server started, please browse to http://localhost:8080

and then I browse to http://centos7:8080/compiled/source/apiviewer/index.html# and get this in the console:

000460 qx.core.Init: Load runtime: 460ms
part-boot-bundle-2.js:107184 000614 qx.core.Init: Main runtime: 145ms
part-boot-bundle-2.js:107184 000706 : The environment key 'apiviewer' is undefined.
qx.log.appender.Native.process() @ part-boot-bundle-2.js:107184
:8080/compiled/source/transpiled/qxl/apiviewer/Application.js:108 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apiindex' of undefined
    at wrapper.qxl.apiviewer.Application.prototype.finalize() [as finalize] (:8080/compiled/source/transpiled/qxl/apiviewer/Application.js:108)
    at Object.qx.core.Init.ready() [as ready] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:36381)
    at part-boot-bundle-1.js:17213
    at Function.qx.event.Utils.then() [as then] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:27927)
    at part-boot-bundle-1.js:17212
    at Array.qx.lang.normalize.Array.forEach() [as forEach] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:2669)
    at wrapper.qx.event.dispatch.Direct.prototype.dispatchEvent() (part-boot-bundle-1.js:17200)
    at wrapper.wrappedFunction [as dispatchEvent] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:3906)
    at wrapper.qx.event.Manager.prototype.dispatchEvent() [as dispatchEvent] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:11657)
    at part-boot-bundle-1.js:13456
    at Function.qx.event.Utils.then() [as then] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:27927)
    at Object.qx.event.Registration.fireEvent() [as fireEvent] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:13455)
    at wrapper.qx.event.handler.Application.prototype.__fireReady() [as __fireReady] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:35694)
    at Function.qx.event.handler.Application.onScriptLoaded() [as onScriptLoaded] (part-boot-bundle-1.js:35625)
    at done (boot.js:433)
    at Object.signalStartup (boot.js:451)
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/include.preload.js.map
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/include.postload.js.map

The exception is in qxl.apiviewer.Application.finalize, where it tries to get data with let apidata = qx.core.Environment.get("apiviewer"); but there is no data to return.

Where is the apiviewer data supposed to come from?

hkollmann commented 4 years ago

It's generated in apiviewers compile.js. Seems that compile.js is not working for you.

hkollmann commented 4 years ago

Could you compile with verbose and check if the classfiles are analysed in compile.js?

johnspackman commented 4 years ago

Doesn't look like compile.js is being loaded:

[john@centos7 myFirstApp]$ rm -rf compiled
[john@centos7 myFirstApp]$ qx compile --verbose
Cannot find path source/resource required by library qxl.versionlabel
QooxDoo found in /home/john/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/@qooxdoo/compiler/node_modules/@qooxdoo/framework
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update`
[..................] | Writing Applications > Writing Application apiviewer
Completed all applications, libraries used are:
   qxl.versionlabel (/home/john/myFirstApp/qx_packages/qooxdoo_qxl_versionlabel_v0_1_2)
   myFirstApp (/home/john/myFirstApp)
   qxl.apiviewer (/home/john/myFirstApp/qx_packages/qooxdoo_qxl_apiviewer_v0_1_20)
   qx (/home/john/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/@qooxdoo/compiler/node_modules/@qooxdoo/framework)
[john@centos7 myFirstApp]$ find . -name 'compile.*'
[john@centos7 myFirstApp]$ grep '"apiviewer' compiled/source/apiviewer/boot.js
[john@centos7 myFirstApp]$ 
johnspackman commented 4 years ago

hmm, this exact same command works as expected on my mac (with lots of analyse a.b.c.Classname etc output), node 12.8 but using my master of the compiler...

johnspackman commented 4 years ago

ok, i found the cause - qx package install qooxdoo/qxl.apiviewer was silently installing a very old, incompatible version of api viewer (version 0.1.20). I had to qx package upgrade and remove and reinstall it