qosf / qosf.org

Web portal of Quantum Open Source Foundation
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Current status of QOSF website #89

Open s-peryt opened 10 months ago

s-peryt commented 10 months ago

I've recently found QOSF website and I find resources available there very useful for people interested in Quantum Computing. However, what I noticed is that website hasn't been updated for a while, especially when compared to discussions and commits available on GitHub. For example recent PR #87 is merged, but not present on the website. Similarly, issue #24 discusses rewrite to the manifesto, but I doubt anything with regards to that has been updated.

I'd like to participate in the development of QOSF but at the same time I don't think there is any way to achieve that. Can someone please provide some feedback regarding current idea/plan for the foundation?


jalaln06 commented 1 month ago

I'd also contribute to the website if needed.

s-peryt commented 1 month ago

@jalaln06 thanks for reviving this topic. Honestly, I completely forgot I've added this. I see that there has been no movement with regards to bringing back this website. And also looks like all of the social media channels of QOSF are abandoned.

If I won't be beaten to it, or there wouldn't be any movement in this repository, I'm going to fork it into new reincarnation of the project. The plan is to create new domain (I guess this part is obvious) and also move away from foundation and mentoring part of the website. Focus on the various QC materials and resources available. To concentrate on knowledge sharing among people interested in the subject.

MadhurimaNayak commented 1 month ago

@s-peryt hey! Their Linkedin is pretty active and they regularly post updates there. Plus, they recently started Batch 9 of their mentoring program. So I think a good idea would be to update the mentorship part of the website instead of doing away with it.

s-peryt commented 1 month ago

Thanks for info @MadhurimaNayak . Their LinkedIn is not listed on the page footer, hence I didn't even know there is one. Well, the question is then - what is the goal of QOSF website. So far I've been treating it as a source for learning materials. And it seems (based also on what you pointed out) that it's moving more towards mentoring which is very limited IMHO.

Kitsunp commented 1 month ago

@s-peryt From what I've seen since I registered in the event is that QOSF is half divided from the original page, I mean that is still their reference page but for funds, almost everything goes into the projects, I mean to find people, mentors, mentoring participants, and more, in Mexico there was an event that referred to that, so not missing, but you can see that only focus on developing, also have been more active lately.

s-peryt commented 1 month ago

almost everything goes into the projects

@Kitsunp sorry, I didn't get that. What projects? You mean the money from the funding goes into mentoring projects? To be clear I don't look at this page for mentoring. When I first found it many years ago it was really good and comprehensive (back then) source of information for QC learning. And this is what I'd like to get revived.

Mentoring is nice, but this always felt like opportunity for very small number of selected people. And also strongly constrained by application windows. I remember I've applied to one of the first mentoring cohorts but because there weren't much mentors I didn't get pick. And IIRC back then it was once or twice a year event.

Kitsunp commented 1 month ago

@s-peryt as you said the mentoring almost takes all the budget, but still don't worry, currently a high ranking member within QOSF wants to revive the site, in Mexico for example another time, in the IPN he came to give us a talk and what he wants to achieve with the foundation or site, he talked about updating the site, adding more resources, allying with other groups to promote it in different places and more.

s-peryt commented 1 month ago

Ok, that's cool some "high ranking member within QOSF" is thinking of doing something. But also as you can see my ticket has almost 1 year. And last commit is also from around this time. Frankly speaking if not for @jalaln06 I'd forgot I wanted to pick this up. But now when I have a bit more free time I'm willing to restart the learning part of the website. With the pace I've seen so far I have doubts any movement will happen soon. It'll be just good to have any info from QOSF members (the one that can actually move content on the website forward - i.e. upload to qosf.org) what's the plan/roadmap.

victor-onofre commented 1 month ago

Hi @s-peryt and @Kitsunp, thanks for your interest in helping us! We really appreciated. I think there is some confusion about what is happening in QOSF. I will put some updates about the foundation that I hope will clear the confusion:

Right now is late in my timezone but tomorrow I will clear the points of issues and assign more clear tasks.

Happy to answer any questions you may have.


s-peryt commented 1 month ago

Thank you @victor-onofre for explanation and providing more details. I'm glad that something will hopefully be moving forward.

As I said I am willing to allocate some time (I'm thinking few hours each week for now) in helping out in brining the site back-up. I might not have much practical experience in quantum computing but definitely I have experience in classical computers, especially in compilers, being compiler engineer for over 7 years now. Definitely this area is the most interesting for me, but after trying to find, read and understand various materials in wider QC space I noticed that probably some general overhaul would be helpful. Especially for people beginning in the area. And I'd like to help out in this.

jalaln06 commented 1 month ago

Yes, I can agree with @s-peryt. Having started in QC about a year ago, I've looked over a lot of different materials, and a general overhaul is needed. I'm also willing to dedicate some of my time to it.

victor-onofre commented 1 month ago

@s-peryt, @jalaln06, thanks for your willingness to help on the project. Given that Alberto and I have a more research background, we don't have a lot of experience maintaining a website. You can really help us with some initial cleaning and modifications, and if you like working with us, we can add you as a maintainer to join the team.

For now we can start with some simple tasks:

Please let me know what you think about these tasks.


MadhurimaNayak commented 1 month ago

@s-peryt @jalaln06 Would you guys need any help updating the website? I'd also be up for it. I have recently started out in QC, but I could definitely help with updating the site and cleaning it up.

jalaln06 commented 1 month ago

@victor-onofre I'd suggest to create some kind of community space for QOSF like a Discord server, where we can organize activities better. I think community rules could also be posted there. Most Quantum communities, and projects I saw use Discord servers.

As when it comes to the tasks you mentioned. Sure, we can update the links and materials. I'm not sure if I will be able to do it soon, but definitely in a week.

Speaking about admin names I'm not much into context, but I guess some kind of hall of fame for ex-team would be good.

@MadhurimaNayak Yes, sure! This is open-source.

s-peryt commented 1 month ago

@victor-onofre I'm fine with this plan. I'll take over fixing broken links (there is one PR from my already submitted - #88 ). As a part of this I'll also address #9 to order everything alphabetically. For all of this I've created #97

I'd suggest following things in general for now:

  1. Put the list of your tasks as actionable GitHub issues. Already done this for few - #97, #98, #99, #100
  2. I've noticed in some of the OS projects usage of "Projects" section of the GitHub page - https://docs.github.com/en/issues/planning-and-tracking-with-projects/learning-about-projects/about-projects It'll be good to add it also here to have clear picture what is required, what is being worked on and what are the plans. I don't think it'll be useful all of the time, but it might help at the moment to clearly see what's what.
  3. I recall there was Slack channel for QOSF. Is it still working? If not it'll be good to have some Slack or Discord (my preference)
victor-onofre commented 1 month ago

@s-peryt I have accepted the PR #88. Great job! The website is coming to life again!

  1. Good idea! I like the organization. I added another issue #101
  2. Yes, that is exactly what we need. I will check it
  3. Yes there is a Slack channel here. It is active mainly for the mentorship program. @jalaln06 we are thinking of passing to Discord later.
s-peryt commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks @victor-onofre for merge. I'll work on another issues this week.

It'll be really nice to have Discord sooner than later - just a personal preference and attempt to reduce communication clutter. Which is really hard as it is :)

s-peryt commented 11 hours ago

@victor-onofre @MaldoAlberto I've created (maybe temporary - TBD) Discord server for QOSF - https://discord.gg/9WbQTHjG . It is very much barebone at the moment. Once you'll join I can add you as moderators/admins.