qq15725 / modern-screenshot

📸 Quickly generate image from DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG
MIT License
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no-cors mode errors despite 200 response #67

Open markchoward7 opened 7 months ago

markchoward7 commented 7 months ago

When setting no-cors like so:

const data = await domToPng(element.current, {
  fetch: {
    requestInit: { mode: "no-cors" },

Any image requests fail with Failed fetch, not 2xx response. However, looking at the network tab shows 200 responses for all image requests.

Sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/modern-screenshot-forked-rhgctx?file=%2Findex.html%3A26%2C52


lxzemor commented 4 months ago

I also have the same problem,How to solve it?

mlsalcedo commented 2 months ago

facing same issue, How to solve it?