qq15725 / modern-screenshot

📸 Quickly generate image from DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG
MIT License
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Fonts not getting exported in the img ? #90

Open flazouh opened 2 months ago

flazouh commented 2 months ago


I've encountered an issue with the "modern-screenshot" tool where the font does not render as expected when exporting an image. Below are the details of the issue:

Description: When using the domToJpeg method to export an image of a videoContainerElement, the resulting image does not display the text in the correct font. Instead of the expected font, the text appears in a default or fallback font. This issue occurs when exporting the image with a scale factor of 3.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to a page.
  2. Trigger the domToJpeg function with the following configuration:
    dataURL = await domToJpeg(element, {
     scale: 3,
  3. Observe the exported image and compare the font style to the expected one.

Expected Behavior: The text in the exported image should match the font style used in the element.

Actual Behavior: The text in the exported image defaults to a different font, ignoring the specified font style in the element.



I've tried to look into the options and saw some css and fonts options but i'm not sure if those are the one I need. Is there a known workaround or fix for this issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

lzlife commented 1 month ago

Did you solve it?