qq456cvb / Point-Transformers

Point Transformers
MIT License
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different point cloud shapes #19

Open ElsheikhAhmed opened 2 years ago

ElsheikhAhmed commented 2 years ago

I am having a real world data which is sometimes with (xyz) , (xyz, norm), and (xyz, norm, RGB) i don't know how to solve this problem.

would be possiblt to make the netowrk only tkae (xyz) values and ignore the other values??

another thing that i have also some data which have less than 1024 points how can i fix this issue too ?

Thanks in advance

ldaowen commented 2 years ago

in the config file- just set normal to False if you want (xyz) instead of (xyz,norm)

BelieferQAQ commented 1 year ago

in the config file- just set normal to False if you want (xyz) instead of (xyz,norm)

hello , if my point is (x,y,z,norm,rgb) ,this size is n*9 ,would be possiblt to make the netowrk work?