qq456cvb / Point-Transformers

Point Transformers
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Why the test accuracy can be higher than train accuracy? #27

Closed Gary769581667 closed 1 year ago

Gary769581667 commented 2 years ago


When I used ModelNet 40 and other dataset to train Point Transformer(Hengshuang), I found after the 3rd epoch, the test accuracy would be higher than train accuracy. It makes no sense a model could perform better when processing unseen data, right? Do you also meet this phenomenon?

qq456cvb commented 2 years ago

This is possible, given that strong data augmentation is used, e.g., random scale, shift, drop (https://github.com/qq456cvb/Point-Transformers/blob/master/train_cls.py#L109).

qq456cvb commented 1 year ago

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