qq542vev / w3mplus

w3m の拡張機能。Pale Moon, Pentadactyl, Vim の機能と操作方法を模倣する試み。
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help in english setting up w3mplus "Bad Request" #1

Open m040601 opened 4 years ago

m040601 commented 4 years ago

Hi, very interesting project

I tried testing this w3m configuration but I don't know exactly what I need to do. Can you help me ?


cd ~
git clone https://github.com/qq542vev/w3mplus

2. Also need https://github.com/ShellShoccar-jpn/misc-tools/tree/5c6909736e1eb48dc2647fdccae036569c805597

cd ~/w3mplus
git submodule update --init


cp -R ~/w3mplus/.w3m ~/.w3m
cp -R ~/w3plus/bin ~/bin/

4. export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/:~/.w3m/w3mplus/bin

Keymaps work OK. But when try to run some scripts, get messages"Bad Request". Thanks in advance.

qq542vev commented 4 years ago

Hello. I use Google Translate because I'm not good at English.

Try modifying the command as follows:

Wrong command

cp -R ~/w3plus/bin ~/bin

Correct command

cp -R ~/w3mplus/bin ~/bin/

Try opening about:home.

w3m about:home

Thank you for the report.

Original text:

こんにちは。私は英語が不得意なのでGoogle 翻訳を利用しています。



cp -R ~/w3plus/bin ~/bin/


cp -R ~/w3mplus/bin ~/bin/


w3m about:home
