qq99 / echoplexus

Socket.io powered chat, JavaScript REPL, whiteboard, and WebRTC calls
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Adopt PSYC protocol for federation, filesharing, threads, and more #228

Open heyakyra opened 10 years ago

heyakyra commented 10 years ago

PSYC is a pretty cool protocol, but the other clients currently available are a mess and not updated. Many PSYC servers have a lot of features (email, jabber, IRC, and other gateways), but aren't very well maintained. If Echoplexus became a solid PSYC platform (since it is both a server and client), it could attract others to create build off of Echoplexus and/or create other PSYC platforms to federate with Echoplexus. It also already has many of the desired features of Echoplexus defined in its protocol. It would also put Echoplexus in the position of being able to shape the future of the protocol.

http://about.psyc.eu/PSYC http://about.psyc.eu/Comparison http://about.psyc.eu/IRC#The_Good_and_the_Bad_about_IRC http://about.psyc.eu/Jabber#Technical_Problems_with_XMPP

The protocol is defined here: http://www.psyc.eu/tech.en.html

This could help solve all of the following issues: Federation: Issue #133 Conversation threading: Issue #152 P2P file transfer: Issue #157 Nick handling: Issue #223 & #225 Hashtag support (maybe): Issue #156 IRC gateway/hooks (maybe): Issue #217

And this could be part of the refactoring effort #198

qq99 commented 10 years ago

Awesome issue, thanks for all the detail :+1: Next time I make a big push I'll try and look into this

heyakyra commented 10 years ago

Sweet! I'm sure you can also get in touch with the PSYC maintainers to get them to help you figure out what would be required