qqwweee / keras-yolo3

A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend)
MIT License
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Value error :Number of mask dimensions should be specified #683

Open 0110110 opened 4 years ago

0110110 commented 4 years ago

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 38 input_image_shape = K.placeholder(shape=(2, )) 39 boxes, scores, classes = yolo_eval(yolo_model.output, anchors, len(class_names), input_image_shape, ---> 40 score_threshold=0.3, iou_threshold=0.45) 41 42 print("YOLO model ready!") ~/library/Mod04/01-Yolo/yolo_keras/model.py in yolo_eval(yolo_outputs, anchors, num_classes, image_shape, max_boxes, score_threshold, iou_threshold) 213 for c in range(num_classes): 214 # TODO: use keras backend instead of tf. --> 215 class_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(boxes, mask[:, c]) 216 class_box_scores = tf.boolean_mask(box_scores[:, c], mask[:, c]) 217 nms_index = tf.image.non_max_suppression( ~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/dispatch.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs) ~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/array_ops.py in boolean_mask_v2(tensor, mask, axis, name) 1423 # [[7, 10], 1424 # [8, 11], -> 1425 # [9, 12]]] 1426 ``` 1427 ~/anaconda3_501/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/array_ops.py in boolean_mask(tensor, mask, name, axis) 1352 name: A name for the operation (optional). 1353 -> 1354 Returns: 1355 if `num_or_size_splits` is a scalar returns `num_or_size_splits` `Tensor` 1356 objects; if `num_or_size_splits` is a 1-D Tensor returns ValueError: Number of mask dimensions must be specified, even if some dimensions are None. E.g. shape=[None] is ok, but shape=None is not. some one please help me with this issue