qrpike / spotify-playlist-downloader

Download an entire spotify playlist ( FROM SPOTIFY at 160kpbs ) to your local machine.
286 stars 110 forks source link

TypeError: Cannot read property 'csrftoken' of undefined #44

Open turbolego opened 6 years ago

turbolego commented 6 years ago

On windows 10.

  debug('login CSRF token: %j, tracking ID: %j', args.csrftoken, args.trackingId);

TypeError: Cannot read property 'csrftoken' of undefined
    at Spotify._onsecret (C:\Users\HERPDERP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\spotify-playlist-downloader\node_modules\spotify-web\lib\spotify.js:256:55)
    at Request.callback (C:\Users\HERPDERP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\spotify-playlist-downloader\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:584:30)
    at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Users\HERPDERP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\spotify-playlist-downloader\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:133:10)
    at Request.emit (events.js:132:15)
    at Request.emit (domain.js:421:20)
    at Stream.<anonymous> (C:\Users\HERPDERP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\spotify-playlist-downloader\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:714:12)
    at Stream.emit (events.js:132:15)
    at Stream.emit (domain.js:421:20)
    at Unzip.<anonymous> (C:\Users\HERPDERP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\spotify-playlist-downloader\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\utils.js:120:12)
    at Unzip.emit (events.js:132:15)
    at Unzip.emit (domain.js:421:20)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1101:12)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:152:19)
ayushzenith commented 6 years ago

same issue do u have a fix???

jimb-cc commented 6 years ago

Yes, Seeing that here too. CSRF is the Cross-Site Request Forgery token which Spotify have probably fairly recently introduced or changed.

riemerick commented 6 years ago

Exactly the same error here. Waiting a solution to test spotify-playlist-downloader.

arneschlag commented 4 years ago

Still the same error here. Also waiting for a solution

EudrinoDev commented 4 years ago

Same Error, waiting for a solution

spencerthayer commented 3 years ago

Same error, waiting for solution.

vergissberlin commented 2 years ago

Last update seven years ago …