qrrk / Catapult

A cross-platform launcher for Cataclysm: DDA and BN
MIT License
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Latest Expermental Versions Not Populating - CDDA Devs Changed Zip File Naming Convention. #180

Closed 0xToast closed 1 week ago

0xToast commented 2 weeks ago

I noticed this problem this evening.

I am currently on CDDA Experimental build 2024-11-15-0512, I see the latest version is currently 2024-11-15-2006.

When I ran the refresh, even though I have set it to list 10 releases, I noticed it only brings back 5 releases. After investigating a bit I see that devs have changed the naming conventions on the game files which is causing the catapult launcher to not load the latest builds from release 2024-11-15-0512.

Before: image

After: image

Temporary fix for the folks who still want to use the Catapult launcher in the mean while:

  1. Download the latest version off CDDA and extract within /dda/ folder image
  2. Name it whatever to you prefer (I just call it game1, game2 or game3 etc.)
  3. Go back into the folder of the latest version you extracted and create a text file called "catapult_install_info.json"
  4. Edit this .json file to reflect the latest experimental version that you just downloded like below (Doesn't really matter what you call it but I stick to the version naming convention): image
  5. Save the .json file
  6. Go back to the main folder where your Catapult launcher is installed and edit "catapult_settings.json" to the version you installed, like below (not sure if is necessary but I do it anyway): image
  7. Relaunch Catapult, you should see the latest version like below: image
  8. Commence the zombie slaying
AriaMoradi commented 2 weeks ago

related https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/77604

Pavelgon4ik commented 6 days ago

Appreciate this man. Although I managed to fix this issue by myself, but I was still wondering why experimental versions ducked up, and I got my answer. I wish you devs of Catapult (and CDDA of course) a nice days, because thanks to you people enjoy their time.