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sub-sub-commands #22

Closed eins78 closed 6 years ago

eins78 commented 11 years ago

How hard would it be to support sub-sub commands with the same autocompletion and help generation via in-line comments?

I am thinking of something like sub-folders

├── bin                   # contains the main executable for your program
├── libexec               # where the subcommand executables are
   ├── sub-command        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-command-subcommand' scripts

An example where this would be useful is a script subcommand: One could stash away specialized stuff that should not clutter the commands output. It would also allow a simple hierarchy without glueing together the script manually.

In the blog post you have the line 37 script basecamp file_usage_summary. Is this the same kind of thinking or just is it just one subcommand which does more or less the same thing with different arguments which happens to be called script?

drasill commented 11 years ago


qrush commented 11 years ago

This would be cool, if it follows the same structure (and maybe even calls the same scripts) as the parent directory.

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

I love this idea, I am going to take a crack at it

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

In the file /sub/libexec/sub ...


command_path="$(command -v "sub-$command" || true)" if [ ! -x "$command_path" ]; then echo "sub: no such command `$command'" >&2 exit 1 fi


command_path="$(command -v "sub-$command" || true)"

if [ "$command_path" == "" ] then libexec_path="$libexec_path/sub-$command" export _SUB_ROOT="$(abs_dirname "$libexec_path")" export PATH="${libexec_path}:$PATH" command_path="$(command -v "sub-$command-$2" || true)" fi

if [ ! -x "$command_path" ]; then echo "sub: no such command `$command'" >&2 exit 1 fi

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

ok, I have it working with sub / sub-commands / sub-help

however, I am having trouble getting the help to indent properly

I am going to work on completions now

pull request coming soon =]

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

ok, this is came out awesome, I need to do some refactoring, match up some conventions and it will be available =]

drasill commented 11 years ago

I'm still interested :)

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

Ok, I ended up re-writing it to make it dynamically nestable

├── bin                   # contains the main executable for your program
├── libexec               # where the subcommand executables are
    ├── sub-acommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-acommand-subcommand' scripts
        ├── sub-acommand-bcommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-acommand-bcommand-subcommand' scripts
        ├── sub-acommand-ccommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-acommand-ccommand-subcommand' scripts
            ├── sub-acommand-ccommand-dcommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-acommand-ccommand-dcommand-subcommand' scripts

the above allows for the following syntax

sub acommand <command> [args] sub acommand bcommand <command> [args] sub acommand ccommand <command> [args] sub acommand command dcommand <command> [args]

sub help acommand ccommand dcommand <command>

I have modified the following files, and everything is working as normal, sub, sub,bash, help, commands, completions, didn't touch init or sh-shell

before I do sub.zsh, I am thinking about re-writing this one more time, so instead of the above, we could have something like

├── bin                   # contains the main executable for your program
├── libexec               # where the subcommand executables are
    ├── sub-acommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-subcommand' scripts
        ├── sub-bcommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-subcommand' scripts
        ├── sub-ccommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-subcommand' scripts
            ├── sub-dcommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-subcommand' scripts

but still work with the following syntax

sub acommand <command> [args] sub acommand bcommand <command> [args] sub acommand ccommand <command> [args] sub acommand command dcommand <command> [args]

sub help acommand ccommand dcommand <command>

What do you guys think? Any thoughts, ideas, preference ?

drasill commented 11 years ago

I like this.

And I definitly prefer the second version, so that it doesn't make a path like /path/libexec/sub-acommand/sub-acommand-ccommand/sub-acommand-ccommand-dcommand :)

eins78 commented 11 years ago

I also prefer the second version. It would make it very easy to have different collections of 'subs' and quickly mix-and-match different subcommands without renaming, just drag and drop.

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

Preview of second version available at


There are a couple of things I didn't like doing the way I did, give it a test drive, let me know if you find any bugs, I think its solid at this point, but Id like another set of eyes on it before I issue the pull request, let me know if you think I should change the way I am doing anything.... refactor, etc..

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

This is also something you guys might be interested in...

https://github.com/jeffreyroberts/sub/tree/sub-plugins https://github.com/jeffreyroberts/sub/tree/sub-plugins-example

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

A colleague of mine and I have been discussing how I can reduce redundancy a little more, what I am thinking now is something along the lines of...

├── bin                              # contains the main executable for your program
├── libexec                        # where the subcommand executables are
    ├── sub-acommand        # a sub-folder, containing 'sub-acommand' scripts
        ├── bcommand          # a sub-folder, containing 'bcommand' scripts
        ├── ccommand          # a sub-folder, containing 'ccommand' scripts
            ├── dcommand      # a sub-folder, containing 'dcommand' scripts

but still work with the following syntax

sub acommand <command> [args] sub acommand bcommand <command> [args] sub acommand ccommand <command> [args] sub acommand ccommand dcommand <command> [args]

What do you guys think?

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

hrmm, I might be in over my head with this re-write, its going to require quite a bit of re-engineering of the entire app, I am going to take a crack at it, but so far its looking like a serious mission =]

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

I gave it a shot, and I am little burnt out from re-writing this 3 times already hehe =] I will wait for yall's feedback before I take another crack at it, for now though, I think the nested-sub-commands branch is perfect as is, it works flawlessly =]

jeffreyroberts commented 11 years ago

ok, pull request coming soon, please let me know what you would like me to change if anything


malvim commented 9 years ago

This looks interesting.

Any news on this? Is this working at all? Should I clone @jeffreyroberts ' repo insted of basecamp's? :)

jeremy commented 6 years ago