qsbase / qs

Quick serialization of R objects
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Binaries through r-universe #69

Closed SebKrantz closed 8 months ago

SebKrantz commented 2 years ago

In case this is of interest, I have set up a fastverse r-universe that builds binary versions of the GitHub version of your packages qs and stringfish for MAC and Windows (new binaries are build within an hour of a new commit to your repo). Users can install these binaries using (for qs):

# Enable repository from fastverse
options(repos = c(
    ropensci = 'https://fastverse.r-universe.dev',
    CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))

# Download and install qs in R

# Or simply: 
install.packages('qs', repos = c(ropensci = 'https://fastverse.r-universe.dev', 
                                 CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org')) # Needed for dependencies

You can also add a Badge to your README.md:

qs status badge stringfish status badge

traversc commented 2 years ago

Interesting project! Thanks for letting me know about it!