qsimulate-open / bagel

Brilliantly Advanced General Electronic-structure Library
GNU General Public License v3.0
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can BAGEL output thermochemistry after the hessian and frequency calculation? #270

Closed ABQTrap closed 1 year ago

ABQTrap commented 1 year ago

Dear all,

Can BAGEL output thermochemistry e.g. enthalpy and gibbs free energy, after the hessian and frequency calculation? I couldn't find the thermochemistry information after the hessian calculation. Many thanks.

shiozaki commented 1 year ago

Hi - it's in the commercial (QSimulate) version but it has not been ported to the open-source version (and at this point there is no immediate plan to do so). It is not a very complicated procedure. @bessvlai do you have a python script that you don't mind sharing??

PS: If you are skilled in C++, the relevant code is below. Just slot this in and recompile. if you are not familiar with C++ please don't, as I won't be able to do user support.

void Hess::compute_free_energy_() {
  // evaluate free energies
  const double R = boltzmann__ / au2joule__;
  const double T = temperature_;
  const double P = pressure_;
  const double h = planck__;

  // prepare rotational constants
  const double mtot_amu = accumulate(geom_->atoms().begin(), geom_->atoms().end(), 0.0, [](double s, shared_ptr<const Atom> a) { return s+a->mass(); });
  const double mtot = mtot_amu * amu2kilogram__;
  const bool is_linear = geom_->is_linear();
  VectorB rotconst(3);
    array<double,3> center{{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}};
    for (auto& i : geom_->atoms())
      blas::ax_plus_y_n(i->mass() / mtot_amu, i->position().data(), 3, center.data());

    XYZFile xyz(geom_->natom());
    for (int i = 0; i != geom_->natom(); ++i) {
      shared_ptr<const Atom> iatom = geom_->atoms(i);
      xyz(0, i) += (iatom->position(0) - center[0]) * sqrt(iatom->mass());
      xyz(1, i) += (iatom->position(1) - center[1]) * sqrt(iatom->mass());
      xyz(2, i) += (iatom->position(2) - center[2]) * sqrt(iatom->mass());
    Matrix inertia = xyz ^ xyz;
    const double trace = inertia.trace();
    inertia(0, 0) = trace - inertia(0, 0);
    inertia(1, 1) = trace - inertia(1, 1);
    inertia(2, 2) = trace - inertia(2, 2);
    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
      rotconst(i) = hbar__ / rotconst(i) / (4 * pi__ * amu2kilogram__ * pow(au2meter__, 2));

  component_ = vector<string>{"electronic", "translational", "rotational (no symmetry)", "vibrational"};
  const int ncomp = component_.size();

  // electronic contributions
  internal_[0] = ref_->energy(0);
  entropy_[0] = R * log(2*(ref_->noccA() - ref_->noccB())+1);
  heatv_[0] = 0.0;

  // translational contributions
  const double kT = boltzmann__ * temperature_;
  internal_[1] = 1.5 * R * T;
  entropy_[1]  = 2.5 * R + R * log(pow(2*pi__*kT*mtot / (h*h), 1.5) * kT / P);
  heatv_[1]    = 1.5 * R;

  if (geom_->natom() != 1) {
    assert(!is_linear || fabs(rotconst(1) - rotconst(2)) < 1.0e-8);
    const double qrot = is_linear ? (boltzmann__ * T / (planck__ * rotconst(1)))
                                  : pow(boltzmann__ * T / planck__, 1.5) * sqrt(pi__) / sqrt(rotconst(0)*rotconst(1)*rotconst(2));
    // rotational contributions
    internal_[2] = (is_linear ? 1.0 : 1.5) * R * T;
    entropy_[2]  = (is_linear ? 1.0 : 1.5) * R + log(qrot) * R;
    heatv_[2]    = (is_linear ? 1.0 : 1.5) * R;

    // set vibrational contributions to NAN if there are negative modes larger than the cutoff
    if (freq_[0] < -freq_cutoff_) {
      internal_[3] = entropy_[3] = heatv_[3] = nan("");
    } else {
      // vibrational contributions
      for (int i = (is_linear ? 5 : 6); i != freq_.size(); ++i) {
        const double freq = fabs(freq_[i]) < freq_cutoff_ ? freq_cutoff_: freq_[i];
        const double en = freq / au2wavenumber__ ;
        const double tt = en / (R * T);
        const double ee = exp(-tt);
        internal_[3] += en * (0.5 + ee / (1.0 - ee));
        entropy_[3]  += R * (tt * ee / (1.0 - ee) - log(1.0 - ee));
        heatv_[3]    += R * ee * pow(tt / (1.0 - ee), 2);

  bout << "    * Free energy analysis" << endl;

  auto print_one = [](const string component, const double G, const double U, const double S, const double Cv) {
    bout << "         == " << component << " ==" << endl;
    bout << "         Gibbs energy:     " << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << G << endl;
    bout << "         Internal energy:  " << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << U << endl;
    bout << "         Entropy:          " << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << S << endl;
    bout << "         Heat capacity (V):" << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << Cv << endl << endl;

    const double U = accumulate(internal_.begin(), internal_.end(), 0.0);
    const double S = accumulate(entropy_.begin(), entropy_.end(), 0.0);
    const double Cv = accumulate(heatv_.begin(), heatv_.end(), 0.0);
    gibbs_tot_ = U + R * T - S * T;
    entropy_tot_ = S;
    print_one("total", gibbs_tot_, U, S, Cv);

  for (int i = 0; i != ncomp; ++i)
    print_one(component_[i], internal_[i] + (component_[i] == "translational" ? R*T : 0.0) - entropy_[i] * T, internal_[i], entropy_[i], heatv_[i]);
bessvlai commented 1 year ago

Yes. I have a python script but I’m traveling this week. If you send me an email at @. @.> , I can connect you with a student or postdoc who can help you out.


From: Toru Shiozaki @.> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 10:07 AM To: qsimulate-open/bagel @.> Cc: Bess Vlaisavljevich @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [qsimulate-open/bagel] can BAGEL output thermochemistry after the hessian and frequency calculation? (Issue #270)

Hi - it's in the commercial (QSimulate) version but it has not been ported to the open-source version (and at this point there is no immediate plan to do so). It is not a very complicated procedure. @bessvlai https://github.com/bessvlai do you have a python script that you don't mind sharing??

PS: If you are skilled in C++, the relevant code is below. Just slot this in and recompile. if you are not familiar with C++ please don't, as I won't be able to do user support.

void Hess::compute_freeenergy() { // evaluate free energies const double R = boltzmann / au2joule; const double T = temperature; const double P = pressure; const double h = planck__;

// prepare rotational constants const double mtotamu = accumulate(geom->atoms().begin(), geom_->atoms().end(), 0.0, [](double s, shared_ptr a) { return s+a->mass(); }); const double mtot = mtot_amu * amu2kilogram__; const bool islinear = geom->islinear(); VectorB rotconst(3); { array<double,3> center{{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; for (auto& i : geom->atoms()) blas::ax_plus_y_n(i->mass() / mtot_amu, i->position().data(), 3, center.data());

XYZFile xyz(geom_->natom());
for (int i = 0; i != geom_->natom(); ++i) {
  shared_ptr<const Atom> iatom = geom_->atoms(i);
  xyz(0, i) += (iatom->position(0) - center[0]) * sqrt(iatom->mass());
  xyz(1, i) += (iatom->position(1) - center[1]) * sqrt(iatom->mass());
  xyz(2, i) += (iatom->position(2) - center[2]) * sqrt(iatom->mass());
Matrix inertia = xyz ^ xyz;
const double trace = inertia.trace();
inertia(0, 0) = trace - inertia(0, 0);
inertia(1, 1) = trace - inertia(1, 1);
inertia(2, 2) = trace - inertia(2, 2);
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
  rotconst(i) = hbar__ / rotconst(i) / (4 * pi__ * amu2kilogram__ * pow(au2meter__, 2));


component = vector{"electronic", "translational", "rotational (no symmetry)", "vibrational"}; const int ncomp = component.size(); internal.resize(ncomp); entropy.resize(ncomp); heatv_.resize(ncomp);

// electronic contributions internal[0] = ref->energy(0); entropy[0] = R log(2(ref->noccA() - ref->noccB())+1); heatv[0] = 0.0;

// translational contributions const double kT = boltzmann_ * temperature; internal[1] = 1.5 R T; entropy[1] = 2.5 R + R log(pow(2pi__kTmtot / (hh), 1.5) kT / P); heatv_[1] = 1.5 R;

if (geom_->natom() != 1) { assert(!is_linear || fabs(rotconst(1) - rotconst(2)) < 1.0e-8); const double qrot = is_linear ? (boltzmann * T / (planck rotconst(1))) : pow(boltzmann__ T / planck, 1.5) * sqrt(pi) / sqrt(rotconst(0)rotconst(1)rotconst(2)); // rotational contributions internal_[2] = (islinear ? 1.0 : 1.5) R T; entropy[2] = (islinear ? 1.0 : 1.5) R + log(qrot) R; heatv[2] = (is_linear ? 1.0 : 1.5) * R;

// set vibrational contributions to NAN if there are negative modes larger than the cutoff
if (freq_[0] < -freq_cutoff_) {
  internal_[3] = entropy_[3] = heatv_[3] = nan("");
} else {
  // vibrational contributions
  for (int i = (is_linear ? 5 : 6); i != freq_.size(); ++i) {
    const double freq = fabs(freq_[i]) < freq_cutoff_ ? freq_cutoff_: freq_[i];
    const double en = freq / au2wavenumber__ ;
    const double tt = en / (R * T);
    const double ee = exp(-tt);
    internal_[3] += en * (0.5 + ee / (1.0 - ee));
    entropy_[3]  += R * (tt * ee / (1.0 - ee) - log(1.0 - ee));
    heatv_[3]    += R * ee * pow(tt / (1.0 - ee), 2);


bout << " * Free energy analysis" << endl;

auto print_one = [](const string component, const double G, const double U, const double S, const double Cv) { bout << " == " << component << " ==" << endl; bout << " Gibbs energy: " << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << G << endl; bout << " Internal energy: " << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << U << endl; bout << " Entropy: " << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << S << endl; bout << " Heat capacity (V):" << setw(20) << setprecision(8) << Cv << endl << endl; };

{ const double U = accumulate(internal.begin(), internal.end(), 0.0); const double S = accumulate(entropy.begin(), entropy.end(), 0.0); const double Cv = accumulate(heatv.begin(), heatv.end(), 0.0); gibbstot = U + R T - S T; entropytot = S; print_one("total", gibbstot, U, S, Cv); }

for (int i = 0; i != ncomp; ++i) printone(component[i], internal[i] + (component[i] == "translational" ? RT : 0.0) - entropy_[i] T, internal[i], entropy[i], heatv_[i]); }

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ABQTrap commented 1 year ago

Dear Prof Shiozaki and Prof Vlaisavljevich, thank you for your help. I'm not familiar with C++, so I may get in touch with Prof Vlaisavljevich asking for the Python script.

ABQTrap commented 1 year ago

Dear Prof Shiozaki and Prof Vlaisavljevich, I really appreciate your help, the thermochemistry could be calculated successfully now. Also, I found a free program called Shermo (http://sobereva.com/soft/shermo/), which can perform the thermochemistry calculation too. I think this issue can be closed.