[NEW RELEASE VERSION 3.0.0] The QTaste is an open-source functional and non-functional test environment offering services to developers and testers. It has been implemented following a data driven testing philosophy.
The following requirements were discoped from the release 3.0.0.
Anyway, they should be added to the Sikuli testapi
The « wheel » (As implemented for the click, or rhe double click) should be present.
For the methods click, doubleClick, rightClick and dragDrop, it should be possible to define an offset where the operation is performed (targetOffset(dx, dy)).
The verb type() should accept key modifiers (see http://doc.sikuli.org/keys.html)
public int type(String text, int modifiers) throws FindFailed
It should be possible to define a specific similarity value (different of the default one) for each call to a identification method
Problems are present on mutiscreens to get the position on the screen. e.g. The top of the left screen is lower than the top of the right screen... In such a case, you need to know on wich screen is the application:
Match area = screen.all().find(…);
BufferedImage bi = (new Screen(sId)).capture(x, y, w, h).getImage();
The following requirements were discoped from the release 3.0.0. Anyway, they should be added to the Sikuli testapi