qtranslate / qtranslate-xt

qTranslate-XT (eXTended) - reviving qTranslate-X multilingual plugin for WordPress. A new community-driven plugin soon. Built-in modules for WooCommerce, ACF, slugs and others.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Problem with page edition #1066

Open flaviofagundes opened 2 years ago

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

Hi Guys

I found a problem with page edition with big texts. There is the situation:

[:en]text [:pb]texto

Every time i edited the page content, the page visualization show problem to render in second language.

When i choose Pt Bt, the result is like below:

herrvigg commented 2 years ago

I found a problem with page edition with big texts.

What do you mean? That it's not working from a certain size of content? Does it work for shorter content? How many languages do you have?

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

I have two languages only. The text has a 50 lines...

The secondary language show this problem of replication his content.

MK-RD commented 2 years ago

I can not reproduse this behavior!

Is there any possibility to make the two texts (en, pb) available for me for the purpose of analysis?

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

This is the page content



GNA – Grupo de Negócios Avançados Partnership (site)

– Forklifts, pallet racks, electric order pickers, equipped with lithium battery

– Pre assembled buildings in steel according to customer project

– Self-standing pallet buildings

– Artificial intelligence equipment for Smart Home homes, Smart Office offices and Industrial Smart Industry. Total automation of all environments and equipment

– WiFi, 5G, solar powered, mobile controlled surveillance cameras

– Monocrystalline and half-cell solar panels

– Commercial, Industrial and Street Lighting

IMZolet Partnership (site)

– Fruits selecting machines by size, weight, color, defects

– Gears

– Industrial chains

Home Consumables

– Customized perfume bottles and glasses

– Air freshener diffuser

– High frequency fragrance diffusers

– Valves for creams and cosmetics

– Spray valves for perfumes

– Fabrics

– Non-woven Fabrics

– Home furniture

Machinery and Tools

– Injectors and extruders for plastics

– Steel mills

– Static and portable diesel or gasoline generators

– Autonomous operating welding machines, diesel or petrol

– Electric heaters for environments by irradiation

– UVC lamps for disinfection of environments

– PVC anti-flame canvases for trucks, tents, events, billboards

– High frequency sewing and sewing machine for PVC canvases

– Fences, loader ramps, farm wire

– Irons, steels and metal alloys

Commercial products

– Boilers for home and hotel use

– Air freshener and fragrance diffuser for large areas, hotels, shopping centers and centra air conditioning systems

– Electric appliances for bar, restaurants, cafeterias, kitchens

– Automotive equipment, spare parts

– LED and 3D LED Outdoors

– Commercial and Functional Furniture

Maintenance for Chinese Equipment in Brazil

Meeting a great demand for the maintenance service of Chinese equipment operating in Brazil and South American countries, we have attendants specialized in mechanical equipment and machinery, with translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese.

Our first job is to seek manufacturers, since most of the equipment operating in Brazil were traded by tradings that often hide the manufacturer.

We set up discussion groups between Brazilian technicians, Chinese engineers and our office, either by messages, voice or video and assist in the setup and/or maintenance and start-up of equipment in which the customer encounters difficulties.

Numerous successful cases since 2016 reassure us of the total success of this method, leaving any kind of equipment fully functional in just a few days.



Parceria GNA – Grupo de Negócios Avançados (site)

– Empilhadeiras, paleteiras, selecionadoras elétricas, com bateria de lítio.

– Prédios pré-montados em aço conforme projeto de cliente.

– Prédios paleteiros autoportantes.

– Equipamento de inteligência artificial para casas Smart Home, escritórios Smart Office e industriais Smart Industry. Automação total de todos os ambientes e equipamentos.

– Câmeras de vigilância por WiFi, 5G, de alimentação solar controladas por celular.

– Painéis solares monocristalinos e half-cell.

– Iluminação Industrial, comercial, publica e doméstica

Parceria IMZolet (site)

– Máquinas de seleção para frutas por Tamanho, Peso, Cor, Defeitos.

– Engrenagens.

– Correntes industriais.

Produtos para o lar

– Frascos de perfumes e vidrarias customizadas

– Aromatizadores de ambientes

– Difusores de aromas por alta frequência

– Válvulas para cremes e cosméticos

– Válvulas spray para perfumes

– Tecidos

– Tecidos-não-tecidos TNT

– Móveis

Maquinário e Ferramental Industrial

– Injetoras e extrusoras para plásticos

– Laminadoras para aço

– Geradores estáticos, e móveis a diesel ou gasolina

– Aparelhos de solda autônomos, a diesel ou gasolina

– Aquecedores elétricos de ambientes por irradiação

– Lâmpadas UVC para desinfecção de ambientes

– Lonas PVC antichama para caminhões, tendas, eventos, outdoors

– Máquina de costura e costura por alta frequência para lonas de PVC

– Cercas, bretes, rampas carregadoras, arames para fazendas

– Ferros, aços e ligas metálicas


– Caldeiras para uso doméstico e hoteleiro

– Aromatizadores e purificadores de ar para grandes ambientes, hotéis, shopping centers e sistemas de ar condicionado

– Equipamento de bar, restaurante, cafeteria, cozinha

– Equipamento automotivo, peças de reposição

– Outdoors de LED e LED 3D

– Moveis Comerciais e Funcionais

Manutenção de Equipamento Chinês no Brasil

Atendendo a uma grande demanda pelo serviço de manutenção de equipamentos chineses operando no Brasil e países sul-americanos, contamos com atendentes especializadas em equipamentos mecânicos e maquinário, com tradução em inglês, português, espanhol e chinês.

Buscamos os fabricantes – já que grande parte dos equipamentos operando no Brasil foram negociados por tradings que frequentemente ocultam o fabricante, nosso primeiro trabalho é encontrar o fabricante.

Montamos grupos de discussão, entre os técnicos brasileiros, engenheiros chineses e nosso escritório, seja por mensagens, voz ou vídeo e auxiliamos no setup e/ou manutenção e posta em marcha de equipamentos nos quais o cliente encontra dificuldades.

Sugerimos que todo o equipamento importado, da china ou de qualquer outro pais, tenha instalado no painel de controle, TeamViewer e placas de acesso Wifi que facilitam sobremaneira o setup de maquinas por parte direta do fabricante

Inúmeros cases de sucesso desde 2016 nos asseguram do total sucesso desse método, garantindo o pleno funcionamento de qualquer tipo de equipamento em poucos dias.

herrvigg commented 2 years ago

This works without problem (note the raw content must end with [:]). The content is not really big, I have posts which are much larger than this and it works. Does it work for smaller content in your case? You have something else interfering. Can you try to disable other plugins? Do you see errors in the browser console? Which browser do you have?

MK-RD commented 2 years ago


Thanks, it's certainly not the content!

I noticed the term "page edition" in your statement, so I wonder if this behavior also occurs when using the Classic Editor?

To find the source of the error, I would first deactivate everything else and then gradually reactivate it.

Sorry I can't say more about it now.

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

The issue editor from GitHub cuts the WordPress tags, but this is the content.

I always use

[:en] English Content [:pb] Portuguese Content

I edited using code editor.

Thanks for your help.

herrvigg commented 2 years ago

What is the "code editor"? We only support the Classic Editor or the Block Editor (Gutenberg). It is important to precise what you are talking about because they are very different. Can you give a screenshot (the top of the content is enough)?

I always use [:en] English Content [:pb] Portuguese Content

What does "use" mean? Are you editing the content as RAW text directly with the tags? If you do so, you should have a closing tag:

[:en] English Content [:pb] Portuguese Content [:]

You didn't answer this:

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

When i said code editor means i don't used visual editor.

i don't tried disable plugins yet...

I will try the end tag [:]

and i will put results here

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago


Using [:] in the end, the problem doesn't show.

Thanks a lot

herrvigg commented 2 years ago

Good if this solves the problem but still there's something unclear. It seems you are using the Classic Editor in text mode, that's fine, I also use this a lot. But you should not have to enter these tags manually for regular posts. The Language Switching Buttons (LSB) allow you to edit every language separately. In the settings Languages / Advanced / Editor Mode, what do you have? LSB or Raw mode?

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

I always use default editor... in text mode.

herrvigg commented 2 years ago

Yes this is clear now. But in the settings Languages / Advanced / Editor Mode, what do you have? LSB or RAW mode?

Even if you are using the text mode, normally you should not enter the translation tags for each language for posts and pages. The RAW mode is only a fallback option when the LSB or Single edit mode are broken.


flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

Ok, i use this option "Use Language Switching Buttons (LSB)"

I will try more tests, but using this content (under), with the successive page edition, the portuguese version "http.../pb/teste", it replicates the content. This is not happening with default language (english)

remembering, the under content has the wordpress tags wp:paragraph, p, strong, ...



GNA – Grupo de Negócios Avançados Partnership (site)

– Forklifts, pallet racks, electric order pickers, equipped with lithium battery

– Pre assembled buildings in steel according to customer project

– Self-standing pallet buildings

– Artificial intelligence equipment for Smart Home homes, Smart Office offices and Industrial Smart Industry. Total automation of all environments and equipment

– WiFi, 5G, solar powered, mobile controlled surveillance cameras

– Monocrystalline and half-cell solar panels

– Commercial, Industrial and Street Lighting

IMZolet Partnership (site)

– Fruits selecting machines by size, weight, color, defects

– Gears

– Industrial chains

Home Consumables

– Customized perfume bottles and glasses

– Air freshener diffuser

– High frequency fragrance diffusers

– Valves for creams and cosmetics

– Spray valves for perfumes

– Fabrics

– Non-woven Fabrics

– Home furniture

Machinery and Tools

– Injectors and extruders for plastics

– Steel mills

– Static and portable diesel or gasoline generators

– Autonomous operating welding machines, diesel or petrol

– Electric heaters for environments by irradiation

– UVC lamps for disinfection of environments

– PVC anti-flame canvases for trucks, tents, events, billboards

– High frequency sewing and sewing machine for PVC canvases

– Fences, loader ramps, farm wire

– Irons, steels and metal alloys

Commercial products

– Boilers for home and hotel use

– Air freshener and fragrance diffuser for large areas, hotels, shopping centers and centra air conditioning systems

– Electric appliances for bar, restaurants, cafeterias, kitchens

– Automotive equipment, spare parts

– LED and 3D LED Outdoors

– Commercial and Functional Furniture

Maintenance for Chinese Equipment in Brazil

Meeting a great demand for the maintenance service of Chinese equipment operating in Brazil and South American countries, we have attendants specialized in mechanical equipment and machinery, with translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese.

Our first job is to seek manufacturers, since most of the equipment operating in Brazil were traded by tradings that often hide the manufacturer.

We set up discussion groups between Brazilian technicians, Chinese engineers and our office, either by messages, voice or video and assist in the setup and/or maintenance and start-up of equipment in which the customer encounters difficulties.

Numerous successful cases since 2016 reassure us of the total success of this method, leaving any kind of equipment fully functional in just a few days.



Parceria GNA – Grupo de Negócios Avançados (site)

– Empilhadeiras, paleteiras, selecionadoras elétricas, com bateria de lítio.

– Prédios pré-montados em aço conforme projeto de cliente.

– Prédios paleteiros autoportantes.

– Equipamento de inteligência artificial para casas Smart Home, escritórios Smart Office e industriais Smart Industry. Automação total de todos os ambientes e equipamentos.

– Câmeras de vigilância por WiFi, 5G, de alimentação solar controladas por celular.

– Painéis solares monocristalinos e half-cell.

– Iluminação Industrial, comercial, publica e doméstica

Parceria IMZolet (site)

– Máquinas de seleção para frutas por Tamanho, Peso, Cor, Defeitos.

– Engrenagens.

– Correntes industriais.

Produtos para o lar

– Frascos de perfumes e vidrarias customizadas

– Aromatizadores de ambientes

– Difusores de aromas por alta frequência

– Válvulas para cremes e cosméticos

– Válvulas spray para perfumes

– Tecidos

– Tecidos-não-tecidos TNT

– Móveis

Maquinário e Ferramental Industrial

– Injetoras e extrusoras para plásticos

– Laminadoras para aço

– Geradores estáticos, e móveis a diesel ou gasolina

– Aparelhos de solda autônomos, a diesel ou gasolina

– Aquecedores elétricos de ambientes por irradiação

– Lâmpadas UVC para desinfecção de ambientes

– Lonas PVC antichama para caminhões, tendas, eventos, outdoors

– Máquina de costura e costura por alta frequência para lonas de PVC

– Cercas, bretes, rampas carregadoras, arames para fazendas

– Ferros, aços e ligas metálicas


– Caldeiras para uso doméstico e hoteleiro

– Aromatizadores e purificadores de ar para grandes ambientes, hotéis, shopping centers e sistemas de ar condicionado

– Equipamento de bar, restaurante, cafeteria, cozinha

– Equipamento automotivo, peças de reposição

– Outdoors de LED e LED 3D

– Moveis Comerciais e Funcionais

Manutenção de Equipamento Chinês no Brasil

Atendendo a uma grande demanda pelo serviço de manutenção de equipamentos chineses operando no Brasil e países sul-americanos, contamos com atendentes especializadas em equipamentos mecânicos e maquinário, com tradução em inglês, português, espanhol e chinês.

Buscamos os fabricantes – já que grande parte dos equipamentos operando no Brasil foram negociados por tradings que frequentemente ocultam o fabricante, nosso primeiro trabalho é encontrar o fabricante.

Montamos grupos de discussão, entre os técnicos brasileiros, engenheiros chineses e nosso escritório, seja por mensagens, voz ou vídeo e auxiliamos no setup e/ou manutenção e posta em marcha de equipamentos nos quais o cliente encontra dificuldades.

Sugerimos que todo o equipamento importado, da china ou de qualquer outro pais, tenha instalado no painel de controle, TeamViewer e placas de acesso Wifi que facilitam sobremaneira o setup de maquinas por parte direta do fabricante

Inúmeros cases de sucesso desde 2016 nos asseguram do total sucesso desse método, garantindo o pleno funcionamento de qualquer tipo de equipamento em poucos dias.


MK-RD commented 2 years ago

I can hardly imagine that this problem cannot be dealt with!

However, I don't think it makes sense to guess around in the dark. The error description alone is at least for me not sufficient for a diagnostic.

More information about your environment could be helpful.

MK-RD commented 2 years ago

I was able to successfully test your content with the OnePress theme version 2.2.7.

Sorry, I may not really be able to help from a distance.

flaviofagundes commented 2 years ago

About my versions:

Theme OnePress Version 2.2.7 This content is posted in a page section, not in frontpage.

I posted to see if anyone had the same problem.

I will check the database row from this page, if it was duplicated there.

MK-RD commented 2 years ago

If needed, I can give you access to my WordPress installation. Maybe you will notice something.