qtranslate / qtranslate-xt

qTranslate-XT (eXTended) - reviving qTranslate-X multilingual plugin for WordPress. A new community-driven plugin soon. Built-in modules for WooCommerce, ACF, slugs and others.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Hero button in Onepress theme does not jump to proper language page in some browsers #1399

Closed Bassie-san closed 3 months ago

Bassie-san commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug I found that The Chinese and English hero button links jump to the respective language links on Macintosh Chrome and Firefox, but on Safari, clicking the hero button on the Chinese page jumps to the English page. I have not tried it in a windows OS because I do not have windows.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior 1:

  1. Go to page http://topcontainerline.digitalren.cn/zh/
  2. Basic authentication ID:kembo PW:Kembo2024
  3. Click Hero button 1 or 2
  4. then these buttons will jump to http://topcontainerline.digitalren.cn/schedule or http://topcontainerline.digitalren.cn/contact on Macintosh Safari.

Steps to reproduce the behavior 2:

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  1. When I publish the site with the following link for the Hero Content button on the top page, the button disappears.

Button #1 Link [:en]/schedule[:zh]/zh/schedule[:]

Button #2 Link [:en]/contact[:zh]/zh/contact[:]

  1. After publishing the site, I see that the Hero Content button settings are blank.
  2. If I set the Button links as below, it will work on Macintosh Chrome and Firefox, but on Safari it doesn't work.

Button #1 Link /schedule

Button #2 Link /contact

Expected behavior I want to be able to jump properly in any environment. http://topcontainerline.digitalren.cn/zh/schedule or http://topcontainerline.digitalren.cn/zh/contact


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Debug info Versions { "PHP_VERSION": "8.1.27", "WP_VERSION": "6.4.3", "QTX_VERSION": "3.15.2", "Plugins": [ "Advanced Excerpt 4.4.1", "Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.1", "All In One WP Security 5.2.9", "BackWPup 4.0.3", "Breadcrumb NavXT 7.3.0", "Classic Editor 1.6.3", "Honeypot for Contact Form 7 2.1.1", "Contact Form 7 5.9", "Contact Form CFDB7", "HTTP Auth 1.0.0", "Loco Translate 2.6.6", "MimeTypes Link Icons 3.2.18", "OnePress Plus 2.3.8", "qTranslate-XT 3.15.2", "SiteGuard WP Plugin 1.7.6", "Advanced Editor Tools 5.9.2", "WP Fastest Cache 1.2.4", "WP Mail SMTP 4.0.1", "WP Multibyte Patch 2.9" ] }

Configuration { "default_language": "en", "enabled_languages": [ "en", "zh" ], "locale": { "en": "en_US", "zh": "zh_CN" }, "date_format": { "en": "Y/m/d", "zh": "Y/m/d" }, "time_format": { "en": "%I:%M %p", "zh": "%I:%M%p" }, "url_mode": 2, "use_strftime": 3, "filter_options_mode": 0, "language_name_case": 0, "detect_browser_language": true, "hide_untranslated": false, "show_menu_alternative_language": false, "show_displayed_language_prefix": true, "show_alternative_content": false, "hide_default_language": true, "use_secure_cookie": false, "header_css_on": true, "text_field_filters": [], "disable_client_cookies": false, "url_info": { "cookie_lang_front": "en", "cookie_lang_admin": "en", "cookie_front_or_admin_found": true, "scheme": "http", "host": "topcontainerline.digitalren.cn", "path": "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", "query": "action=admin_debug_info", "path-base": "", "wp-path": "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", "language_neutral_path": true, "http_referer": "http://topcontainerline.digitalren.cn/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=qtranslate-xt", "referer_admin": true, "doing_front_end": false, "lang_cookie_admin": "en", "lang_admin": "en", "language": "en", "set_cookie": false }, "language": "en", "editor_mode": 0, "highlight_mode": 1, "auto_update_mo": true, "hide_lsb_copy_content": false, "lsb_style": "simple-buttons.css", "config_files": [ "./i18n-config.json" ], "custom_fields": [], "custom_field_classes": [], "post_type_excluded": [], "admin_enabled_modules": { "acf": false, "all-in-one-seo-pack": false, "events-made-easy": false, "jetpack": false, "google-site-kit": false, "gravity-forms": false, "woo-commerce": false, "wp-seo": false, "slugs": false }, "translator": {}, "qtrans_compatibility": false }

Browser { "cookies": [], "navigator": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.5.1 Safari/605.1.15", "Javascript built-in RegExp: @@split": "supported" }

Additional context Below is the PHP to display the hero part of the Onepress theme.

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