qtranslate / qtranslate-xt

qTranslate-XT (eXTended) - reviving qTranslate-X multilingual plugin for WordPress. A new community-driven plugin soon. Built-in modules for WooCommerce, ACF, slugs and others.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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qtranslate-xt and CMB2 Integration problem and solution #982

Open mouthbow opened 3 years ago

mouthbow commented 3 years ago

Hi, CMB2 is a popular plugin for Custom Post Type (300k installations). I was using CMB2-qTranslate plugin to integrate CMB2 with q-translate-x. https://wordpress.org/plugins/integration-cmb2-qtranslate/ But the problem was that this integration plugin didn't work with q-translate-xt (last update was 5 years ago). So I tried to use Custom Fields configuration in q-translate-xt config but it didn't work and I don't know why: I tried with id and with class name with no luck. So I focused in fixing the existing integration plugin and I got it. That's the reason I want to share here just in case anyone needs the same. The only thing to do is edit main.js and change createSetOfLSB function with this one. (is a copy of the function in q-translate-xt as the original plugin did). Sorry for my english, Im spanish.

createSetOfLSB: function() { var langSwitchWrap=qtranxj_ce('ul', {className: qTranslateConfig.lsb_style_wrap_class}); var langs = qTranslateConfig.language_config; if (!qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches) qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches = {}; for (var lang in langs) { var lang_conf = langs[lang]; var flag_location = qTranslateConfig.flag_location; var li_title = qTranslateConfig.strings.ShowIn + lang_conf.admin_name + ' [:' + lang + ']'; var tabSwitch = qtranxj_ce('li', { lang: lang, className: 'qtranxs-lang-switch qtranxs-lang-switch-' + lang, title: li_title, onclick: qTranslateConfig.qtx.clickSwitchLanguage }, langSwitchWrap); var tabItem = tabSwitch; if (qTranslateConfig.lsb_style_subitem === 'button') { // reuse WordPress secondary button tabItem = qtranxj_ce('button', {className: 'button button-secondary', type: 'button'}, tabSwitch); } qtranxj_ce('img', {src: flag_location + lang_conf.flag}, tabItem); qtranxj_ce('span', {innerHTML: lang_conf.name}, tabItem); if (qTranslateConfig.activeLanguage === lang) { tabSwitch.classList.add(qTranslateConfig.lsb_style_active_class); $(tabSwitch).find('.button').addClass('active'); } if (!qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches[lang]) qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches[lang] = []; qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches[lang].push(tabSwitch); } if (!qTranslateConfig.hide_lsb_copy_content) { var tab = qtranxj_ce('li', {className: 'qtranxs-lang-copy'}, langSwitchWrap); var btn = qtranxj_ce('button', { className: 'button button-secondary', type: 'button', title: qTranslateConfig.strings.CopyFromAlt, onclick: qTranslateConfig.qtx.toggleCopyFrom }, tab); qtranxj_ce('span', {innerHTML: qTranslateConfig.strings.CopyFrom}, btn); } return langSwitchWrap; }

Also, I think that would be great that someone used to publish plugins modify the original and make available to everyone.

Thanks to this team for recovering this great translation plugin.

erdmann040 commented 3 years ago

I also like to use qtranslate-xt in combiantion with CMB2 and was glad to find someone who had the same problems but could solve them, unlike me. But I was not able to get your solution to work yet.

If I understand you correctly, you took the createSetOfLBS function in qtranslate-xt and used this code to replace it with the function of the same name in the integration-cmb2-qtranslate plugin. But the function I find in qtranslate-xt looks quite differently

     * @since 3.4.8
    this.createSetOfLSB = function () {
        return qtx.createSetOfLSBwith(qTranslateConfig.lsb_style_wrap_class + ' widefat');

and the function it calls looks like that:

     * @since 3.3.2
    this.createSetOfLSBwith = function (lsb_style_extra_wrap_classes) {
        const langSwitchWrap = qtranxj_ce('ul', {className: 'qtranxs-lang-switch-wrap ' + lsb_style_extra_wrap_classes});
        const langs = qTranslateConfig.language_config;
        if (!qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches)
            qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches = {};
        for (const lang in langs) {
            const lang_conf = langs[lang];
            const flag_location = qTranslateConfig.flag_location;
            const li_title = qTranslateConfig.strings.ShowIn + lang_conf.admin_name + ' [:' + lang + ']';
            const tabSwitch = qtranxj_ce('li', {
                lang: lang,
                className: 'qtranxs-lang-switch qtranxs-lang-switch-' + lang,
                title: li_title,
                onclick: qtx.clickSwitchLanguage
            }, langSwitchWrap);
            let tabItem = tabSwitch;
            if (qTranslateConfig.lsb_style_subitem === 'button') {
                // reuse WordPress secondary button
                tabItem = qtranxj_ce('button', {className: 'button button-secondary', type: 'button'}, tabSwitch);
            qtranxj_ce('img', {src: flag_location + lang_conf.flag}, tabItem);
            qtranxj_ce('span', {innerHTML: lang_conf.name}, tabItem);
            if (qTranslateConfig.activeLanguage === lang) {
            if (!qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches[lang])
                qTranslateConfig.tabSwitches[lang] = [];
        if (!qTranslateConfig.hide_lsb_copy_content) {
            const tab = qtranxj_ce('li', {className: 'qtranxs-lang-copy'}, langSwitchWrap);
            const btn = qtranxj_ce('button', {
                className: 'button-secondary',
                type: 'button',
                title: qTranslateConfig.strings.CopyFromAlt,
                onclick: qtx.toggleCopyFrom
            }, tab);
            qtranxj_ce('span', {innerHTML: qTranslateConfig.strings.CopyFrom}, btn);
        return langSwitchWrap;

Is your solution still working? And if so, could you please publish the new code here?

Did you mark the above code you posted above correctly? Because there is a comment in there that irritates me and shouldnt be in the compressed js.

Did you accidentally enclose the above code in two instead of three ` characters and if so could you please correct it?

erdmann040 commented 3 years ago

Did you just edit the minified code of the main.js in integration-cmb2-qtranslate or the unminfied main.js and compressend by running gulp tasks? And if you used gulp , how did you make it work?

I would be very happy to receive an answer to my questions. Muchas gracias de antemano.