quackduck / uniclip

Cross-platform shared clipboard
MIT License
247 stars 27 forks source link

Bug: error: [dial tcp4 192.168.x.x:57xxx: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused #11

Closed nakhla closed 2 years ago

nakhla commented 2 years ago

I have just came across this tool and i think it will be awesome as it should work in windows, linux, android, and termux unfortunately, i t doesn't work in my windows machine, and i got this error error: [dial tcp4 connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.] Could not connect to

quackduck commented 2 years ago

Are you running a uniclip server on

quackduck commented 2 years ago

Are both machines on the same LAN?

nakhla commented 2 years ago

yes i downloaded the binary from releases and stated it from cmd, didn't still try from the second machine i want to make it run first on the first machine but it seems is not running, and thanks for the prompt reply i didn't expect that fast reply!

nakhla commented 2 years ago

oh, that is my fault, will try again and update you again in 2 minutes

quackduck commented 2 years ago

okay so the way uniclip works is you first run uniclip on one machine (keep that command running) and then run the command it tells you to run (uniclip <ip>:<port>)

quackduck commented 2 years ago

The machine you start from (the one running only uniclip) is like the "server" and is the "clipboard host", and the command it tells you to run is what a "client" can use to connect to the server.

nakhla commented 2 years ago

thank you, it is working great between windows and linux machine i want to try it on android, is there an APK? or just it is avaialable via termux?

quackduck commented 2 years ago

I'm glad it works! There is no APK I've made, it's available as an executable that you can run using termux

nakhla commented 2 years ago

tried using termux, after installed the termux-api but with no luck, i used "ClipSync" but i liked yours because it is available under Linux, just an APK will be great,

quackduck commented 2 years ago

Did uniclip not work with termux?

nakhla commented 2 years ago

i downloaded it and insure it has chmod +x, and it running but it is not function

quackduck commented 2 years ago

hmm, android devices differ a ton in how they let apps do connectivity and how clipboard access works.

try using the debug options on both uniclip instances and send output!

nakhla commented 2 years ago

ok i will, also FYI, i am using a bit old termux 0.83, for android 6 marshmallow