quackduck / uniclip

Cross-platform shared clipboard
MIT License
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Bug: error message "Error when trying to send the clipboard to a device. Will not contact that device again." #22

Open awik32 opened 6 months ago

awik32 commented 6 months ago

Description of the bug The server prints the error message specified in the title of this message. In addition, the server sends the error message to the clipboard, and so, the error message appears on the clipboards of the clients.

Verbose output (Use the --debug option) Information not collected yet.

Steps to Reproduce The error occurred after I added a fourth (the server included) client. Incidentally, the fourth client is a separate, physical computer, while the others are all on one machine (2 virtual machines).

OS and Uniclip version The server runs on Linux Mint 21.2. One client (QEMU VM) runs on MacOS 14.1.1 Sonoma, one client (VMware VM) runs on Windows 10, and a client (another physical machine) runs on Linux Mint 21. The version of uniclip is 2.3.6.

Additional info It would be very helpful if uniclip reported which device (ie. the IP address of the client) the error concerns.

Cheers, Albert.