quadbio / Pando

Multiome GRN inference.
MIT License
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error in initiate_grn() #44

Closed GouQiao closed 11 months ago

GouQiao commented 11 months ago

Dear developer,

I want to use a multiome object processed by signac and seurat in Pando. But I met error for the first step.


Error in compatibleSeqnames(rep(seqnames(x), elementNROWS(y)), seqnames(y@unlistData)) : Level set of 'x' must be subset of that of 'y', or vice versa In addition: Warning messages: 1: In .merge_two_Seqinfo_objects(x, y) : Each of the 2 combined objects has sequence levels not in the other:

Could you tell me how to fix this?

GouQiao commented 11 months ago

solved by the codes following: DefaultAssay(Obj) <- 'ATAC' granges(Obj) main.chroms <- standardChromosomes(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10) keep.peaks <- as.logical(seqnames(granges(Obj)) %in% main.chroms) Obj <- Obj[keep.peaks, ]

joschif commented 11 months ago

This is probably related to the gene annotations and the peaks having different sequences or chromosomes, which causes errors for I/GRanges. As you suggested, matching the sequence levels should fix it