quadra-game / quadra

An addictive action puzzle game with single player and multiplayer capabilities (Internet or LAN).
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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ppmlimit acts like a scorelimit #38

Open pphaneuf opened 10 years ago

pphaneuf commented 10 years ago

Submitted by Patrick Aaltonen (pihvi):

When you set the ppmlimit, it will drop anyone who gets a score of over 4_ppmlimit after 4 minutes of gameplay. So for example if you after 10 minutes gameplay reach a score of 4_ppmlimit, you get dropped, even though the ppm is still under the limit. So instead of checking (playing_time >= 24000 && score > 4_ppm_limit), it should be something like (playing_time >= 24000 && score_6000 > ppmlimit*playing_time) in net_list.cpp.