quaertym / ember-cli-compass-compiler

Ember CLI Compass Compiler
MIT License
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Doesn't follow outputsPath #42

Closed trev closed 9 years ago

trev commented 9 years ago

I've got something like this in my Brocfile.js:

var app = new EmberApp({
  outputPaths: {
    app: {
      css: {
        'app': '/stuff/dyo.css'
      js: '/stuff/dyo.js'
    vendor: {
      css: '/stuff/vendor.css',
      js: '/stuff/vendor.js'

Everything BUT the app.css will build into dist/stuff. The app.css still goes to dist/assets.

markhorgan commented 9 years ago

I had the same problem. "assets" is hard-coded in the npm. A hack is to change the js file:


Compass.prototype.compile = function(srcDir, destDir, options) {
  var cssDir  = path.join(destDir, 'stuff');

or a better approach would be:


var app = new EmberApp({
  compassOptions: {
    cssDir: 'stuff'


Compass.prototype.compile = function(srcDir, destDir, options) {
  var cssDir  = path.join(destDir, options.cssDir !== undefined ? options.cssDir : 'assets');
marlonmarcello commented 9 years ago

Same happening here. Thanks for the tip @markhorgan

quaertym commented 9 years ago

outputPaths are supported beginning from 0.2.0 release.