Timeseries output of time of travel does not conform to default timeseries output. With a tot data structure of:
data : { COMID : { DATE : [VALUE, ...], ... }, ... } ;where default timeseries output structure is: data : { DATE : [VALUE, ...], ... }
Using the graph function found in static/js/general_page.js setDataGraph2 (line 319) as a functional template, fill in the function setTotOutputGraph found in static/js/workflow/time_of_travel_page.js (line 344).
Output should display a multiline graph, using dyGraph (https://dygraphs.com/), one line for each comid and the ability to switch between the data columns 4-6.
Can use the output graphs of other modules, such as precipitation, as a visual example.
To help facilitate output UI development, the output data can be capture and saved as a file to be retrieved in place of the web request.
Timeseries output of time of travel does not conform to default timeseries output. With a tot data structure of: data : { COMID : { DATE : [VALUE, ...], ... }, ... } ;where default timeseries output structure is: data : { DATE : [VALUE, ...], ... }
Using the graph function found in static/js/general_page.js setDataGraph2 (line 319) as a functional template, fill in the function setTotOutputGraph found in static/js/workflow/time_of_travel_page.js (line 344).
Output should display a multiline graph, using dyGraph (https://dygraphs.com/), one line for each comid and the ability to switch between the data columns 4-6.
Can use the output graphs of other modules, such as precipitation, as a visual example.
To help facilitate output UI development, the output data can be capture and saved as a file to be retrieved in place of the web request.