Python, JavaScript, C# and Fortran code for hosting EPA web applications and data/model services. Consult the wiki for details: Served publicly at:
Removed an incorrect deprecation warning about a missing renderer
argument if a Widget.render() method accepts **kwargs
Fixed a regression causing Model.__init__() to crash if a field has an
instance only descriptor (:ticket:28269).
Fixed an incorrect DisallowedModelAdminLookup exception when using
a nested reverse relation in list_filter (:ticket:28262).
Fixed admin's FieldListFilter.get_queryset() crash on invalid input
Fixed invalid HTML for a required AdminFileWidget (:ticket:28278).
Fixed model initialization to set the name of class-based model indexes
for models that only inherit models.Model (:ticket:28282).
Fixed crash in admin's inlines when a model has an inherited non-editable
primary key (:ticket:27967).
Fixed QuerySet.union(), intersection(), and difference() when
combining with an EmptyQuerySet (:ticket:28293).
Prevented Paginator’s unordered object list warning from evaluating a
QuerySet (:ticket:28284).
Fixed the value of redirect_field_name in LoginView’s template
context. It's now an empty string (as it is for the original function-based
login() view) if the corresponding parameter isn't sent in a request (in
particular, when the login page is accessed directly) (:ticket:28229).
Prevented attribute values in the django/forms/widgets/attrs.html
template from being localized so that numeric attributes (e.g. max and
min) of NumberInput work correctly (:ticket:28303).
Removed casting of the option value to a string in the template context of
the CheckboxSelectMultiple, NullBooleanSelect, RadioSelect,
SelectMultiple, and Select widgets (:ticket:28176). In Django
1.11.1, casting was added in Python to avoid localization of numeric values
in Django templates, but this made some use cases more difficult. Casting is
now done in the template using the |stringformat:'s' filter.
Prevented a primary key alteration from adding a foreign key constraint if
db_constraint=False (:ticket:28298).
Fixed UnboundLocalError crash in RenameField with nonexistent field
Fixed a regression preventing a model field's limit_choices_to from being
evaluated when a ModelForm is instantiated (:ticket:28345).
earthengine-api -> 0.1.117
google-api-python-client -> 1.6.2
Version 1.6.2
Bugfix release
Fixed a bug where application default credentials would still be used even
when a developerKey was specified. (347)
Official support for Python 3.5 and 3.6. (341)
Version 1.6.1
Bugfix release
Fixed a bug where using google-auth with scoped credentials would fail. (328)
Version 1.6.0
Release to drop support for Python 2.6 and add support for google-auth.
Support for Python 2.6 has been dropped. (319)
The credentials argument to and discovery.build_from_document
can be either oauth2client credentials or google-auth credentials. (319) and discovery.build_from_document now unambiguously use the
http argument to make all requests, including the request for the discovery
document. (319)
The http and credentials arguments to and
discovery.build_from_document are now mutually exclusive, eliminating a
buggy edge case. (319)
If neither http or credentials is specified to and
discovery.build_from_document, then Application Default Credentials will
be used. The library prefers google-auth for this if it is available, but
can also use oauth2client's implementation. (319)
Fixed resumable upload failure when receiving a 308 response. (312)
Clarified the support versions of Python 3. (316)
Version 1.5.5
Bugfix release
Allow explicit MIME type specification with media_mime_type keyword argument.
Fix unprintable representation of BatchError with default constructor. (165)
Refresh all discovery docs, not just the preferred ones. (298)
Update minimum httplib2 dependency to >=0.9.2.
Version 1.5.4
Bugfix release
Properly handle errors when the API returns a mapping or sequence. (289)
Upgrade to unified uritemplate 3.0.0. (293)
Allow oauth2client 4.0.0, with the caveat that file-based discovery
caching is disabled.
Version 1.5.3
Bugfix release
Fixed import error with oauth2client >= 3.0.0. (270)
Version 1.5.2
Bugfix release
Allow using oauth2client >= 1.5.0, < 4.0.0. (265)
Fix project_id argument description. (257)
Retry chunk uploaded on rate limit exceeded errors. (255)
Obtain access token if necessary in BatchHttpRequest.execute(). (232)
Warn when running tests using HttpMock without having a cache. (261)
Version 1.5.1
Bugfix release
Allow using versions of oauth2client < 2.0.0. (197)
Check both current and new API discovery URL. (202)
Retry http requests on connection errors and timeouts. (218)
Retry http requests on rate limit responses. (201)
Import guards for ssl (for Google App Engine). (220)
Use named loggers instead of the root logger. (206)
New search console example. (212)
Version 1.5.0
Release to support oauth2client >= 2.0.0.
Fix file stream recognition in Python 3 (141)
Fix non-resumable binary uploads in Python 3 (147)
Default to 'octet-stream' if mimetype detection fails (157)
Handle SSL errors with retries (160)
Fix incompatibility with oauth2client v2.0.0 (182)
Version 1.4.2
Add automatic caching for the discovery docs.
Version 1.4.1
Add the googleapiclient.discovery.Resource.new_batch_http_request method.
Version 1.4.0
Python 3 support.
Version 1.3.2
Small bugfix release.
Fix an infinite loop for downloading small files.
Fix a unicode error in error encoding.
Better handling of content-length in media requests.
Add support for methodPath entries containing colon.
Version 1.3.1
Quick release for a fix around aliasing in v1.3.
Version 1.3
Add support for the Google Application Default Credentials.
Require python 2.6 as a minimum version.
Update several API samples.
Finish splitting out oauth2client repo and update tests.
Various doc cleanup and bugfixes.
Two important notes:
We've added googleapiclient as the primary suggested import
name, and kept apiclient as an alias, in order to have a more
appropriate import name. At some point, we will remove apiclient
as an alias.
Due to an issue around in-place upgrades for Python packages,
it's not possible to do an upgrade from version 1.2 to 1.3. Instead, attempts to detect this and prevents it. Simply remove
the previous version and reinstall to fix this.
Version 1.2
The use of the gflags library is now deprecated, and is no longer a
dependency. If you are still using the function
then include gflags as a dependency of your application or switch to
Samples have been updated to use the new apiclient.sample_tools, and no
longer use gflags.
Added support for the experimental Object Change Notification, as found in
the Cloud Storage API.
The oauth2client App Engine decorators are now threadsafe.
Use the following redirects feature of httplib2 where it returns the
ultimate URL after a series of redirects to avoid multiple hops for every
resumable media upload request.
Updated AdSense Management API samples to V1.3
Add option to automatically retry requests.
Ability to list registered keys in multistore_file.
User-agent must contain (gzip).
The 'method' parameter for httplib2 is not positional. This would cause
spurious warnings in the logging.
Making OAuth2Decorator more extensible. Fixes Issue 256.
Update AdExchange Buyer API examples to version v1.2.
Version 1.1
Add PEM support to SignedJWTAssertionCredentials (used to only support
PKCS12 formatted keys). Note that if you use PEM formatted keys you can use
PyCrypto 2.6 or later instead of OpenSSL.
Allow deserialized discovery docs to be passed to build_from_document().
Make ResumableUploadError derive from HttpError.
Many changes to move all the closures in apiclient.discovery into real
classes and objects.
Make from_json behavior inheritable.
Expose the full token response in OAuth2Client and OAuth2Decorator.
Handle reasons that are None.
Added support for NDB based storing of oauth2client objects.
Update grant_type for AssertionCredentials.
Adding a .revoke() to Credentials. Closes issue 98.
Modify oauth2client.multistore_file to store and retrieve credentials
using an arbitrary key.
Don't accept 403 challenges by default for auth challenges.
Set httplib2.RETRIES to 1.
Consolidate handling of scopes.
Upgrade to httplib2 version 0.8.
Allow setting the response_type in OAuth2WebServerFlow.
Ensure that dataWrapper feature is checked before using the 'data' value.
HMAC verification does not use a constant time algorithm.
Convert all inline samples to the Farm API for consistency.
Updated meda upload support.
Many fixes for batch requests.
Better handling for requests that don't require a body.
Fix issues with Google App Engine Python 2.7 runtime.
Better support for proxies.
All Storages now have a .delete() method.
Important changes which might break your code:
apiclient.anyjson has moved to oauth2client.anyjson.
Some calls, for example, taskqueue().lease() used to require a parameter
named body. In this new release only methods that really need to send a body
require a body parameter, and so you may get errors about an unknown
'body' parameter in your call. The solution is to remove the unneeded
body={} parameter.
Better handling for APIs that return something other than JSON.
Major cleanup and consolidation of the samples.
Bug fixes and other enhancements:
72 Defect Appengine OAuth2Decorator: Convert redirect address to string
22 Defect Better error handling for unknown service name or version
48 Defect StorageByKeyName().get() has side effects
50 Defect Need sample client code for Admin Audit API
28 Defect better comments for app engine sample Nov 9
63 Enhancement Let OAuth2Decorator take a list of scope
pandas 0.20.2 -> 0.20.3
This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.20.x series and includes some small regression fixes
and bug fixes. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.
.. contents:: What's new in v0.20.3
:backlinks: none
.. _whatsnew_0203.bug_fixes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in failing to compute rolling computations of a column-MultiIndexed ``DataFrame`` (:issue:`16789`, :issue:`16825`)
- Fixed a pytest marker failing downstream packages' tests suites (:issue:`16680`)
- Bug in pickle compat prior to the v0.20.x series, when ``UTC`` is a timezone in a Series/DataFrame/Index (:issue:`16608`)
- Bug in ``Series`` construction when passing a ``Series`` with ``dtype='category'`` (:issue:`16524`).
- Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.astype` when passing a ``Series`` as the ``dtype`` kwarg. (:issue:`16717`).
- Bug in ``Float64Index`` causing an empty array instead of ``None`` to be returned from ``.get(np.nan)`` on a Series whose index did not contain any ``NaN`` s (:issue:`8569`)
- Bug in ``MultiIndex.isin`` causing an error when passing an empty iterable (:issue:`16777`)
- Fixed a bug in a slicing DataFrame/Series that have a ``TimedeltaIndex`` (:issue:`16637`)
- Bug in :func:`read_csv` in which files weren't opened as binary files by the C engine on Windows, causing EOF characters mid-field, which would fail (:issue:`16039`, :issue:`16559`, :issue:`16675`)
- Bug in :func:`read_hdf` in which reading a ``Series`` saved to an HDF file in 'fixed' format fails when an explicit ``mode='r'`` argument is supplied (:issue:`16583`)
- Bug in :meth:`DataFrame.to_latex` where ``bold_rows`` was wrongly specified to be ``True`` by default, whereas in reality row labels remained non-bold whatever parameter provided. (:issue:`16707`)
- Fixed an issue with :meth:`` where generated element ids were not unique (:issue:`16780`)
- Fixed loading a ``DataFrame`` with a ``PeriodIndex``, from a ``format='fixed'`` HDFStore, in Python 3, that was written in Python 2 (:issue:`16781`)
- Fixed regression that prevented RGB and RGBA tuples from being used as color arguments (:issue:`16233`)
- Fixed an issue with :meth:`DataFrame.plot.scatter` that incorrectly raised a ``KeyError`` when categorical data is used for plotting (:issue:`16199`)
- ``PeriodIndex`` / ``TimedeltaIndex.join`` was missing the ``sort=`` kwarg (:issue:`16541`)
- Bug in joining on a ``MultiIndex`` with a ``category`` dtype for a level (:issue:`16627`).
- Bug in :func:`merge` when merging/joining with multiple categorical columns (:issue:`16767`)
- Bug in ``DataFrame.sort_values`` not respecting the ``kind`` parameter with categorical data (:issue:`16793`)
.. _whatsnew_0101:
pillow 4.1.1 -> 4.2.1
CI: Fix version specification and test on CI for PyPy/Windows 2608
CI: Amazon Linux and Centos6 docker images added to TravisCI 2585
Image.alpha_composite added 2595
Complex Text Support 2576
[ShamsaHamed, Fahad-Alsaidi, wiredfool]
Added threshold parameter to ImageDraw.floodfill 2599
Added dBATCH parameter to ghostscript command 2588
JPEG: Adjust buffer size when icc_profile > MAXBLOCK 2596
Specify Pillow Version in one place 2517
CI: Change the owner of the TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, fixing broken docker runs 2587
Fix truncated PNG loading for some images, Fix memory leak on truncated PNG images. 2541, 2598
Add decompression bomb check to Image.crop 2410
ImageFile: Ensure that the err_code variable is initialized in case of exception. 2363
Tiff: Support append_images for saving multipage TIFFs 2406
Doc: Clarify that draft is only implemented for JPEG and PCD 2409
Test: MicImagePlugin 2447
Use round() instead of floor() to eliminate zero coefficients in resample 2558
Remove deprecated code 2549
Added append_images to PDF saving 2526
Remove unused function core image function new_array 2548
Remove unnecessary calls to dict.keys() 2551
Add more tests and remove unused Draw.c code 2533
Test: More tests for ImageMorph 2554
Test: McIDAS area file 2552
Update Feature Detection 2520
CI: Update pypy on TravisCI 2573
ImageMorph: Fix wrong expected size of MRLs read from disk 2561
Docs: Update install docs for FreeBSD 2546
Build: Ignore OpenJpeg 1.5 on FreeBSD 2544
Remove 'not yet implemented' methods from PIL 1.1.4 2538
Dependencies: Update FreeType to 2.8, LibTIFF to 4.0.8 and libimagequant to 2.9.1 2535 2537 2540
Raise TypeError and not also UnboundLocalError in ImageFile.Parser() 2525
Test: Use Codecov for coverage 2528
Use PNG for 2527
[HinTak, wiredfool]
Remove WITH_DEBUG compilation flag 2522
Fix return value on parameter parse error in _webp.c 2521
Set executable flag on scripts with shebang line 2295
Flake8 2460
Doc: Release Process Changes 2516
CI: Added region for s3 deployment on appveyor 2515
Doc: Updated references to point to existing files 2507
Return copy on Image crop if crop dimensions match the image 2471
Test: Optimize CI speed 2464, 2466
psycopg2 -> 2.7.1
Ignore !None arguments passed to ~psycopg2.connect() and
~psycopg2.extensions.make_dsn() (:ticket:517).
OpenSSL upgraded from major version 0.9.8 to 1.0.2 in the Linux wheel
packages (:ticket:518).
Fixed build with libpq versions < 9.3 (:ticket:520).
New features:
Added ~psycopg2.sql module to generate SQL dynamically (:ticket:308).
Added :ref:replication-support (:ticket:322). Main authors are
Oleksandr Shulgin and Craig Ringer, who deserve a huge thank you.
Added ~psycopg2.extensions.parse_dsn() and
~psycopg2.extensions.make_dsn() functions (:tickets:321, 363).
~psycopg2.connect() now can take both dsn and keyword arguments, merging
them together.
Added ~psycopg2.__libpq_version__ and
~psycopg2.extensions.libpq_version() to inspect the version of the
libpq library the module was compiled/loaded with
(:tickets:35, 323).
The attributes ~connection.notices and ~connection.notifies can be
customized replacing them with any object exposing an !append() method
Adapt network types to ipaddress objects when available. When not
enabled, convert arrays of network types to lists by default. The old !Inet
adapter is deprecated (:tickets:317, 343, 387).
Added ~psycopg2.extensions.quote_ident() function (:ticket:359).
~cursor.callproc() now accepts a dictionary of parameters (:ticket:381).
Give precedence to !__conform__() over superclasses to choose an object
adapter (:ticket:456).
Using Python C API decoding functions and codecs caching for faster
unicode encoding/decoding (:ticket:473).
~cursor.executemany() slowness addressed by
~psycopg2.extras.execute_batch() and ~psycopg2.extras.execute_values()
Added async_ as an alias for async to support Python 3.7 where
async will become a keyword (:ticket:495).
Unless in autocommit, do not use :sql:default_transaction_* settings to
control the session characteristics as it may create problems with external
connection pools such as pgbouncer; use :sql:BEGIN options instead
~connection.isolation_level is now writable and entirely separated from
~connection.autocommit; added ~connection.readonly,
~connection.deferrable writable attributes.
Bug fixes:
Fixed error caused by missing decoding ~psycopg2.extras.LoggingConnection
Fixed integer overflow in :sql:interval seconds (:ticket:512).
Other changes:
Dropped support for Python 2.5 and 3.1.
Dropped support for client library older than PostgreSQL 9.1 (but older
server versions are still supported).
~connection.isolation_level doesn't read from the database but will return
~psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT if no value was set on the
Empty arrays no more converted into lists if they don't have a type attached
Throw an exception trying to pass NULL chars as parameters
Make ~psycopg2.extras.Range objects picklable (:ticket:462).
Fixed inconsistent state in externally closed connections
(:tickets:263, 311, 443).
Report the server response status on errors (such as :ticket:281).
Raise !NotSupportedError on unhandled server response status
Allow overriding string adapter encoding with no connection (:ticket:331).
The ~psycopg2.extras.wait_select callback allows interrupting a
long-running query in an interactive shell using :kbd:Ctrl-C
Fixed !PersistentConnectionPool on Python 3 (:ticket:348).
Fixed segfault on repr() of an unitialized connection (:ticket:361).
Allow adapting bytes using ~psycopg2.extensions.QuotedString on Python 3
Added support for setuptools/wheel (:ticket:370).
Fix build on Windows with Python 3.5, VS 2015 (:ticket:380).
Added support for MSVC 2015 compiler (:ticket:350).
New features:
Added support for large objects larger than 2GB. Many thanks to Blake Rouse
and the MAAS Team for the feature development.
Python time objects with a tzinfo specified and PostgreSQL :sql:timetz
data are converted into each other (:ticket:272).
Bug fixes:
Json adapter's !str() returns the adapted content instead of the !repr()
Named cursors used as context manager don't swallow the exception on exit
cursor.description can be pickled (:ticket:265).
Propagate read error messages in COPY FROM (:ticket:270).
PostgreSQL time 24:00 is converted to Python 00:00 (:ticket:278).
Added :sql:jsonb support for PostgreSQL 9.4 (:ticket:226).
Fixed segfault if COPY statements are passed to ~cursor.execute() instead
of using the proper methods (:ticket:219).
Force conversion of pool arguments to integer to avoid potentially unbounded
pools (:ticket:220).
Cursors :sql:WITH HOLD don't begin a new transaction upon move/fetch/close
Cursors :sql:WITH HOLD can be used in autocommit (:ticket:229).
~cursor.callproc() doesn't silently ignore an argument without a length.
Fixed memory leak with large objects (:ticket:256).
Make sure the internal module can be imported stand-alone (to
allow modules juggling such as the one described in :ticket:201).
Work around pip issue 1630 <>__
making installation via pip -e git+url impossible (:ticket:18).
Copy operations correctly set the cursor.rowcount attribute
It is now possible to call get_transaction_status() on closed connections.
Fixed unsafe access to object names causing assertion failures in
Python 3 debug builds (:ticket:188).
Mark the connection closed if found broken on poll() (from :ticket:192
Fixed handling of dsn and closed attributes in connection subclasses
failing to connect (from :ticket:192 discussion).
Added arbitrary but stable order to Range objects, thanks to
Chris Withers (:ticket:193).
Avoid blocking async connections on connect (:ticket:194). Thanks to
Adam Petrovich for the bug report and diagnosis.
Don't segfault using poorly defined cursor subclasses which forgot to call
the superclass init (:ticket:195).
Mark the connection closed when a Socket connection is broken, as it
happens for TCP connections instead (:ticket:196).
Fixed overflow opening a lobject with an oid not fitting in a signed int
Fixed handling of explicit default cursor_factory=None in
connection.cursor() (:ticket:210).
Fixed possible segfault in named cursors creation.
Fixed debug build on Windows, thanks to James Emerton.
Fixed segfault pickling the exception raised on connection error
Meaningful connection errors report a meaningful message, thanks to
Alexey Borzenkov (:ticket:173).
Manually creating lobject with the wrong parameter doesn't segfault
Fixed build on Solaris 10 and 11 where the round() function is already
declared (:ticket:146).
Fixed comparison of Range with non-range objects (:ticket:164).
Thanks to Chris Withers for the patch.
Fixed double-free on connection dealloc (:ticket:166). Thanks to
Gangadharan S.A. for the report and fix suggestion.
New features:
Added :ref:JSON adaptation <adapt-json>.
Added :ref:support for PostgreSQL 9.2 range types <adapt-range>.
connection and cursor objects can be used in with statements
as context managers as specified by recent |DBAPI|_ extension.
Added ~psycopg2.extensions.Diagnostics object to get extended info
from a database error. Many thanks to Matthew Woodcraft for the
implementation (:ticket:149).
Added connection.cursor_factory attribute to customize the default
object returned by ~connection.cursor().
Added support for backward scrollable cursors. Thanks to Jon Nelson
for the initial patch (:ticket:108).
Added a simple way to :ref:customize casting of composite types <adapt-composite> into Python objects other than namedtuples.
Many thanks to Ronan Dunklau and Tobias Oberstein for the feature
connection.reset() implemented using :sql:DISCARD ALL on server
versions supporting it.
Bug fixes:
Properly cleanup memory of broken connections (:ticket:148).
Fixed bad interaction of with other dependencies in
Distribute projects on Python 3 (:ticket:153).
Other changes:
Added support for Python 3.3.
Dropped support for Python 2.4. Please use Psycopg 2.4.x if you need it.
~psycopg2.errorcodes map updated to PostgreSQL 9.2.
Fixed 'cursor()' arguments propagation in connection subclasses
and overriding of the 'cursor_factory' argument. Thanks to
Corry Haines for the report and the initial patch (:ticket:105).
Dropped GIL release during string adaptation around a function call
invoking a Python API function, which could cause interpreter crash.
Thanks to Manu Cupcic for the report (:ticket:110).
Close a green connection if there is an error in the callback.
Maybe a harsh solution but it leaves the program responsive
'register_hstore()', 'register_composite()', 'tpc_recover()' work with
RealDictConnection and Cursor (:ticket:114).
Fixed broken pool for Zope and connections re-init across ZSQL methods
in the same request (:tickets:123, 125, 142).
connect() raises an exception instead of swallowing keyword arguments
when a connection string is specified as well (:ticket:131).
Discard any result produced by 'executemany()' (:ticket:133).
Fixed pickling of FixedOffsetTimezone objects (:ticket:135).
Release the GIL around PQgetResult calls after COPY (:ticket:140).
Fixed empty strings handling in composite caster (:ticket:141).
Fixed pickling of DictRow and RealDictRow objects.
The close() methods on connections and cursors don't raise exceptions
if called on already closed objects.
Fixed fetchmany() with no argument in cursor subclasses
Use lo_creat() instead of lo_create() when possible for better
interaction with pgpool-II (:ticket:88).
Error and its subclasses are picklable, useful for multiprocessing
interaction (:ticket:90).
Better efficiency and formatting of timezone offset objects thanks
to Menno Smits (:tickets:94, 95).
Fixed 'rownumber' during iteration on cursor subclasses.
Regression introduced in 2.4.4 (:ticket:100).
Added support for 'inet' arrays.
Fixed 'commit()' concurrency problem (:ticket:103).
Codebase cleaned up using the GCC Python plugin's static analysis
tool, which has revealed several unchecked return values, possible
NULL dereferences, reference counting problems. Many thanks to David
Malcolm for the useful tool and the assistance provided using it.
'register_composite()' also works with the types implicitly defined
after a table row, not only with the ones created by 'CREATE TYPE'.
Values for the isolation level symbolic constants restored to what
they were before release 2.4.2 to avoid breaking apps using the
values instead of the constants.
Named DictCursor/RealDictCursor honour itersize (:ticket:80).
Fixed rollback on error on Zope (:ticket:73).
Raise 'DatabaseError' instead of 'Error' with empty libpq errors,
consistently with other disconnection-related errors: regression
introduced in release 2.4.1 (:ticket:82).
connect() supports all the keyword arguments supported by the
Added 'new_array_type()' function for easy creation of array
Added support for arrays of hstores and composite types (:ticket:66).
Fixed segfault in case of transaction started with connection lost
(and possibly other events).
Fixed adaptation of Decimal type in sub-interpreters, such as in
certain mod_wsgi configurations (:ticket:52).
Rollback connections in transaction or in error before putting them
back into a pool. Also discard broken connections (:ticket:62).
Lazy import of the slow uuid module, thanks to Marko Kreen.
Fixed interaction between RealDictCursor and named cursors
Dropped limit on the columns length in COPY operations (:ticket:68).
Fixed reference leak with arguments referenced more than once
in queries (:ticket:81).
Fixed typecasting of arrays containing consecutive backslashes.
'errorcodes' map updated to PostgreSQL 9.1.
Added 'set_session()' method and 'autocommit' property to the
connection. Added support for read-only sessions and, for PostgreSQL
9.1, for the "repeatable read" isolation level and the "deferrable"
transaction property.
Psycopg doesn't execute queries at connection time to find the
default isolation level.
Fixed bug with multithread code potentially causing loss of sync
with the server communication or lock of the client (:ticket:55).
Don't fail import if mx.DateTime module can't be found, even if its
support was built (:ticket:53).
Fixed escape for negative numbers prefixed by minus operator
Fixed refcount issue during copy. Reported and fixed by Dave
Malcolm (:ticket:58, Red Hat Bug 711095).
Trying to execute concurrent operations on the same connection
through concurrent green thread results in an error instead of a
Fixed detection of pg_config on Window. Report and fix, plus some
long needed cleanup by Steve Lacy: thanks!
Use own parser for bytea output, not requiring anymore the libpq 9.0
to parse the hex format.
Don't fail connection if the client encoding is a non-normalized
variant. Issue reported by Peter Eisentraut.
Correctly detect an empty query sent to the backend (:ticket:46).
Fixed a SystemError clobbering libpq errors raised without SQLSTATE.
Bug vivisectioned by Eric Snow.
Fixed interaction between NamedTuple and server-side cursors.
Allow to specify --static-libpq on command line instead of
just in 'setup.cfg'. Patch provided by Matthew Ryan (:ticket:48).
New features and changes:
Added support for Python 3.1 and 3.2. The conversion has also
brought several improvements:
Added 'b' and 't' mode to large objects: write can deal with both
bytes strings and unicode; read can return either bytes strings
or decoded unicode.
COPY sends Unicode data to files implementing 'io.TextIOBase'.
Improved PostgreSQL-Python encodings mapping.
Added a few missing encodings: EUC_CN, EUC_JIS_2004, ISO885910,
ISO885916, LATIN10, SHIFT_JIS_2004.
Dropped repeated dictionary lookups with unicode query/parameters.
Improvements to the named cursors:
More efficient iteration on named cursors, fetching 'itersize'
records at time from the backend.
The named cursors name can be an invalid identifier.
Improvements in data handling:
Added 'register_composite()' function to cast PostgreSQL
composite types into Python tuples/namedtuples.
Adapt types 'bytearray' (from Python 2.6), 'memoryview' (from
Python 2.7) and other objects implementing the "Revised Buffer
Protocol" to 'bytea' data type.
The 'hstore' adapter can work even when the data type is not
installed in the 'public' namespace.
Raise a clean exception instead of returning bad data when
receiving bytea in 'hex' format and the client libpq can't parse
'cursor.description' is provided as named tuples if available.
The build script refuses to guess values if 'pg_config' is not
Connections and cursors are weakly referenceable.
Bug fixes:
Fixed adaptation of None in composite types (:ticket:26). Bug
report by Karsten Hilbert.
Fixed several reference leaks in less common code paths.
Fixed segfault when a large object is closed and its connection no
more available.
Added missing icon to ZPsycopgDA package, not available in Zope
2.12.9 (:ticket:30). Bug report and patch by Pumukel.
Fixed conversion of negative infinity (:ticket:40). Bug report and
patch by Marti Raudsepp.
Fixed segfault with middleware not passing DateStyle to the client
(:ticket:24). Bug report and patch by Marti Raudsepp.
Fixed build problem on CentOS 5.5 x86_64 (:ticket:23).
psycopg 2.3 aims to expose some new features introduced in PostgreSQL 9.0.
Main new features:
dict to hstore adapter and hstore to dict typecaster, using both
9.0 and pre-9.0 syntax.
Two-phase commit protocol support as per DBAPI specification.
Support for payload in notifications received from the backend.
namedtuple-returning cursor.
Query execution cancel.
Other features and changes:
Dropped support for protocol 2: Psycopg 2.3 can only connect to PostgreSQL
servers with version at least 7.4.
Don't issue a query at every connection to detect the client encoding
and to set the datestyle to ISO if it is already compatible with what
mogrify() now supports unicode queries.
Subclasses of a type that can be adapted are adapted as the superclass.
errorcodes knows a couple of new codes introduced in PostgreSQL 9.0.
Dropped deprecated Psycopg "own quoting".
Never issue a ROLLBACK on close/GC. This behaviour was introduced as a bug
in release 2.2, but trying to send a command while being destroyed has been
considered not safe.
Bug fixes:
Fixed use of PQfreemem instead of free in binary typecaster.
Fixed access to freed memory in conn_get_isolation_level().
Fixed crash during Decimal adaptation with a few 2.5.x Python versions
Fixed notices order (:ticket:9).
Bux fixes:
the call to logging.basicConfig() in has been dropped: it was
messing with some projects using logging (and a library should not
initialize the logging system anyway.)
psycopg now correctly handles time zones with seconds in the UTC offset.
The old register_tstz_w_secs() function is deprecated and will raise a
warning if called.
Exceptions raised by the column iterator are propagated.
Exceptions raised by executemany() iterators are propagated.
Bux fixes:
psycopg now builds again on MS Windows.
This is the first release of the new 2.2 series, supporting not just one but
two different ways of executing asynchronous queries, thanks to Jan and Daniele
(with a little help from me and others, but they did 99% of the work so they
deserve their names here in the news.)
psycopg now supports both classic select() loops and "green" coroutine
libraries. It is all in the documentation, so just point your browser to
Other new features:
truncate() method for lobjects.
COPY functions are now a little bit faster.
All builtin PostgreSQL to Python typecasters are now available from the
psycopg2.extensions module.
Notifications from the backend are now available right after the execute()
call (before client code needed to call isbusy() to ensure NOTIFY
Better timezone support.
Lots of documentation updates.
Bug fixes:
Fixed some gc/refcounting problems.
Fixed reference leak in NOTIFY reception.
Fixed problem with PostgreSQL not casting string literals to the correct
types in some situations: psycopg now add an explicit cast to dates, times
and bytea representations.
Fixed TimestampFromTicks() and TimeFromTicks() for seconds >= 59.5.
Fixed spurious exception raised when calling C typecasters from Python
New features:
Support for adapting tuples to PostgreSQL arrays is now enabled by
default and does not require importing psycopg2.extensions anymore.
"can't adapt" error message now includes full type information.
Thank to Daniele Varrazzo (piro) psycopg2's source package now includes
full documentation in HTML and plain text format.
Bug fixes:
No loss of precision when using floats anymore.
decimal.Decimal "nan" and "infinity" correctly converted to PostgreSQL
numeric NaN values (note that PostgreSQL numeric type does not support
infinity but just NaNs.)
psycopg2.extensions now includes Binary.
It seems we're good citizens of the free software ecosystem and that big
big big companies and people ranting on the pgsql-hackers mailing list
we'll now not dislike us. g (See LICENSE file for the details.)
New features:
Support for UUID arrays.
It is now possible to build psycopg linking to a static libpq
Bug fixes:
Fixed a deadlock related to using the same connection with
multiple cursors from different threads.
Builds again with MSVC.
New features:
The connection object now has a reset() method that can be used to
reset the connection to its default state.
Bug fixes:
copy_to() and copy_from() now accept a much larger number of columns.
Fixed PostgreSQL version detection.
Fixed ZPsycopgDA version check.
Fixed regression in ZPsycopgDA that made it behave wrongly when
receiving serialization errors: now the query is re-issued as it
should be by propagating the correct exception to Zope.
Writing "large" large objects should now work.
New features:
DictRow and RealDictRow now use less memory. If you inherit on them
remember to set slots for your new attributes or be prepare to
go back to old memory usage.
Bug fixes:
Fixed exception in
More robust detection of PostgreSQL development versions.
Fixed exception in RealDictCursor, introduced in 2.0.10.
New features:
A specialized type-caster that can parse time zones with seconds is
now available. Note that after enabling it (see "wrong"
time zones will be parsed without raising an exception but the
result will be rounded.
DictCursor can be used as a named cursor.
DictRow now implements more dict methods.
The connection object now expose PostgreSQL server version as the
.server_version attribute and the protocol version used as
The connection object has a .get_parameter_status() methods that
can be used to obtain useful information from the server.
Bug fixes:
None is now correctly always adapted to NULL.
Two double memory free errors provoked by multithreading and
garbage collection are now fixed.
Fixed usage of internal Python code in the notice processor; this
should fix segfaults when receiving a lot of notices in
multithreaded programs.
Should build again on MSVC and Solaris.
Should build with development versions of PostgreSQL (ones with
-devel version string.)
Fixed some tests that failed even when psycopg was right.
New features:
COPY TO/COPY FROM queries now can be of any size and psycopg will
correctly quote separators.
float values Inf and NaN are now correctly handled and can
round-trip to the database.
executemany() now return the numer of total INSERTed or UPDATEd
rows. Note that, as it has always been, executemany() should not
be used to execute multiple SELECT statements and while it will
execute the statements without any problem, it will return the
wrong value.
copy_from() and copy_to() can now use quoted separators.
"import psycopg2.extras" to get UUID support.
Bug fixes:
register_type() now works on connection and cursor subclasses.
fixed a memory leak when using lobjects.
New features:
The connection object now has a get_backend_pid() method that
returns the current PostgreSQL connection backend process PID.
The PostgreSQL large object API has been exposed through the
Cursor.lobject() method.
Bug fixes:
Some fixes to ZPsycopgDA have been merged from the Debian package.
A memory leak was fixed in Cursor.executemany().
A double free was fixed in pq_complete_error(), that caused crashes
under some error conditions.
Improved error handling:
All instances of psycopg2.Error subclasses now have pgerror,
pgcode and cursor attributes. They will be set to None if no
value is available.
Exception classes are now chosen based on the SQLSTATE value from
the result. (184)
The commit() and rollback() methods now set the pgerror and pgcode
attributes on exceptions. (152)
errors from commit() and rollback() are no longer considered
fatal. (194)
If a disconnect is detected during execute(), an exception will be
raised at that point rather than resulting in "ProgrammingError:
no results to fetch" later on. (186)
Better PostgreSQL compatibility:
If the server uses standard_conforming_strings, perform
appropriate quoting.
BC dates are now handled if psycopg is compiled with mxDateTime
support. If using datetime, an appropriate ValueError is
raised. (203)
Other bug fixes:
If multiple sub-interpreters are in use, do not share the Decimal
type between them. (192)
Buffer objects obtained from psycopg are now accepted by psycopg
too, without segfaulting. (209)
A few small changes were made to improve DB-API compatibility.
All the dbapi20 tests now pass.
The PSYCOPG_DISPLAY_SIZE option is now off by default. This means
that display size will always be set to "None" in
cursor.description. Calculating the display size was expensive,
and infrequently used so this should improve performance.
New QueryCanceledError and TransactionRollbackError exceptions
have been added to the psycopg2.extensions module. They can be
used to detect statement timeouts and deadlocks respectively.
Cursor objects now have a "closed" attribute. (164)
If psycopg has been built with debug support, it is now necessary
to set the PSYCOPG_DEBUG environment variable to turn on debug
Better support for PostgreSQL, Python and win32:
full support for PostgreSQL 8.2, including NULLs in arrays
support for almost all existing PostgreSQL encodings
full list of PostgreSQL error codes available by importing the
psycopg2.errorcodes module
full support for Python 2.5 and 64 bit architectures
better build support on win32 platform
Support for per-connection type-casters (used by ZPsycopgDA too, this
fixes a long standing bug that made different connections use a random
set of date/time type-casters instead of the configured one.)
Better management of times and dates both from Python and in Zope.
copy_to and copy_from now take an extra "columns" parameter.
Python tuples are now adapted to SQL sequences that can be used with
the "IN" operator by default if the psycopg2.extensions module is
imported (i.e., the SQL_IN adapter was moved from extras to extensions.)
Fixed some small buglets and build glitches:
removed double mutex destroy
removed all non-constant initializers
fixed PyObject_HEAD declarations to avoid memory corruption
on 64 bit architectures
fixed several Python API calls to work on 64 bit architectures
applied compatibility macros from PEP 353
now using more than one argument format raise an error instead of
a segfault
Now it really, really builds on MSVC and older gcc versions.
Fixed various buglets such as:
segfault when passing an empty string to Binary()
segfault on null queries
segfault and bad keyword naming in .executemany()
OperationalError in connection objects was always None
Various changes to ZPsycopgDA to make it more zope2.9-ish.
connect() now accept both integers and strings as port parameter
Fixed float conversion bug introduced in 2.0.3.
Fixed various buglets and a memory leak (see ChangeLog for details)
Fixed a bug in array typecasting that sometimes made psycopg forget about
the last element in the array.
Fixed some minor buglets in string memory allocations.
Builds again with compilers different from gcc (warning about PostgreSQL
version is issued only if GCC is defined.)
ZPsycopgDA now actually loads.
Fixed handle leak on win32.
If available the new "safe" encoding functions of libpq are used.
django and tinyerp people, please switch to psycopg 2 without
using a psycopg 1 compatibility layer (this release was anticipated
so that you all stop grumbling about psycopg 2 is still in beta.. :)
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 7
Ironed out last problems with times and date (should be quite solid now.)
Fixed problems with some arrays.
Slightly better ZPsycopgDA (no more double connection objects in the menu
and other minor fixes.)
ProgrammingError exceptions now have three extra attributes: .cursor
(it is possible to access the query that caused the exception using
error.cursor.query), .pgerror and .pgcode (PostgreSQL original error
text and code.)
The build system uses pg_config when available.
Documentation in the doc/ directory! (With many kudos to piro.)
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 6
Support for named cursors (see examples/
Safer parsing of time intervals.
Better parsing of times and dates, no more locale problems.
Should now play well with py2exe and similar tools.
The "decimal" module is now used if available under Python 2.3.
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 5
Fixed all known bugs.
The initial isolation level is now read from the server and
.set_isolation_level() now takes values defined in psycopg2.extensions.
.callproc() implemented as a SELECT of the given procedure.
Better docstrings for a few functions/methods.
Some time-related functions like psycopg2.TimeFromTicks() now take the
local timezone into account. Also a tzinfo object (as per datetime module
specifications) can be passed to the psycopg2.Time and psycopg2.Datetime
All classes have been renamed to exist in the psycopg2._psycopg module,
to fix problems with automatic documentation generators like epydoc.
NOTIFY is correctly trapped (see examples/ for example code.)
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 4
psycopg module is now named psycopg2.
No more segfaults when a UNICODE query can't be converted to the
backend encoding.
No more segfaults on empty queries.
psycopg2.connect() now takes an integer for the port keyword parameter.
"python bdist_rpm" now works.
Fixed lots of small bugs, see ChangeLog for details.
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 3
ZPsycopgDA now works (except table browsing.)
psycopg build again on Python 2.2.
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 2
Fixed ZPsycopgDA version check (ZPsycopgDA can now be imported in
psycopg.extras.DictRow works even after a new query on the generating
Better for win32 (should build with MSCV or mingw.)
Generic fixed and memory leaks plugs.
What's new in psycopg 2.0 beta 1
Officially in beta (i.e., no new features will be added.)
Array support: list objects can be passed as bound variables and are
correctly returned for array columns.
Added the psycopg.psycopg1 compatibility module (if you want instant
psycopg 1 compatibility just "from psycopg import psycopg1 as psycopg".)
Complete support for BYTEA columns and buffer objects.
Added error codes to error messages.
The AsIs adapter is now exported by default (also Decimal objects are
adapted using the AsIs adapter (when str() is called on them they
already format themselves using the right precision and scale.)
The connect() function now takes "connection_factory" instead of
"factory" as keyword argument.
New code to build on win32 using mingw and better error
messages on missing datetime headers,
Internal changes that allow much better user-defined type casters.
A lot of bugfixes (binary, datetime, 64 bit arches, GIL, .executemany())
Added missing .executemany() method.
Optimized type cast from PostgreSQL to Python (psycopg should be even
faster than before.)
.rowcount should be ok and in sync with psycopg 1.
Implemented the new COPY FROM/COPY TO code when connection to the
backend using libpq protocol 3 (this also removes all asprintf calls:
build on win32 works again.) A protocol 3-enabled psycopg can
connect to an old protocol 2 database and will detect it and use the
right code.
getquoted() called for real by the mogrification code.
'cursor' argument in .cursor() connection method renamed to
changed 'tuple_factory' cursor attribute name to 'row_factory'.
the .cursor attribute is gone and connections and cursors are properly
fixes to the async core.
The adapt() function now fully supports the adaptation protocol
described in PEP 246. Note that the adapters registry now is indexed
by (type, protocol) and not by type alone. Change your adapters
More configuration options moved from to setup.cfg.
Fixed two memory leaks: one in cursor deallocation and one in row
fetching (.fetchXXX() methods.)
Added simple pooling code (psycopg.pool module); see the reworked
examples/ for example code.
Added DECIMAL typecaster to convert postgresql DECIMAL and NUMERIC
types (i.e, all types with an OID of NUMERICOID.) Note that the
DECIMAL typecaster does not set scale and precision on the created
objects but uses Python defaults.
ZPsycopgDA back in and working using the new pooling code.
Isn't that enough? :)
added support for UNICODE queries.
added UNICODE typecaster; to activate it just do::
Note that the UNICODE typecaster override the STRING one, so it is
not activated by default.
cursors now really support the iterator protocol.
solved the rounding errors in time conversions.
now cursors support .fileno() and .isready() methods, to be used in
select() calls.
.copy_from() and .copy_in() methods are back in (still using the old
protocol, will be updated to use new one in next release.)
fixed memory corruption bug reported on win32 platform.
added support for tuple factories in cursor objects (removed factory
argument in favor of a .tuple_factory attribute on the cursor object);
see the new module psycopg.extras for a cursor (DictCursor) that
return rows as objects that support indexing both by position and
column name.
added support for tzinfo objects in datetime.timestamp objects: the
PostgreSQL type "timestamp with time zone" is converted to
datetime.timestamp with a FixedOffsetTimezone initialized as necessary.
sslmode parameter from 1.1.x
various datetime conversion improvements.
now psycopg should compile without mx or without native datetime
(not both, obviously.)
included various win32/MSVC fixes (pthread.h changes, winsock2
library, include path in, etc.)
ported interval fixes from 1.1.14/1.1.15.
the last query executed by a cursor is now available in the
.query attribute.
conversion of unicode strings to backend encoding now uses a table
(that still need to be filled.)
cursors now have a .mogrify() method that return the query string
instead of executing it.
connection objects now have a .dsn read-only attribute that holds the
connection string.
moved psycopg C module to _psycopg and made psycopg a python module:
this allows for a neat separation of DBAPI-2.0 functionality and psycopg
extensions; the psycopg namespace will be also used to provide
python-only extensions (like the pooling code, some ZPsycopgDA support
functions and the like.)
initial working support for unicode bound variables: UTF-8 and latin-1
backend encodings are natively supported (and the example even
added .set_client_encoding() method on the connection object.
Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.
django 1.11.2 -> 1.11.3
earthengine-api -> 0.1.117
google-api-python-client -> 1.6.2
pandas 0.20.2 -> 0.20.3
pillow 4.1.1 -> 4.2.1
psycopg2 -> 2.7.1
Sphinx 1.6.2 -> 1.6.3