quanteda / quanteda.textplots

Plotting and visualisation for quanteda
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Call to deprecated `x$ntokens` in `textplot_xray.R` #15

Open aurelberra opened 2 years ago

aurelberra commented 2 years ago

To use an older script I am learning about the 3.0 version of quanteda and its companion packages.

I see that textplot_xray.R raises the following warning:

Use of x$ntokens is discouraged. Use ntokens instead.

Leaving an issue here, although I am sure you will at some point update your code.

kbenoit commented 2 years ago

We'd need to see your complete code and output to know what is happening here, including your package version numbers. Can you add those please?

aurelberra commented 2 years ago

Of course. I am using the latest versions. Here is a minimal example.

The text is the Iliad, and the keyword is Achilles' name.

library(quanteda, quanteda.textplots)

test <-

test <- corpus(test)
test <- tokens(test)

kwic(test, pattern = "ἀχιλλεύς") |>

The environment is the following:


[1] "R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)"


[1] ‘1.4.1717’


sysname "Darwin" release "20.6.0" version "Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Mon Aug 30 06:12:21 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.141.6~3/RELEASE_X86_64"

pacman::p_loaded() %>%
  sort() %>%
  map(~ paste0(., " v", pacman::p_version(.))) %>%
  str_match_all("quanteda.*") %>%

[1] "quanteda v3.1.0" "quanteda.textplots v0.94"

The output is a normal graph in RStudio's "Plots" pane and this warning in the console:

Warning message: Use of x$ntokens is discouraged. Use ntokens instead.

kbenoit commented 2 years ago

Can you supply a link to iliad_perseus_lem_books.txt so I can try to reproduce this warning?

aurelberra commented 2 years ago

I could, but I thought an even simpler example would be an easier way for you to test. I have the same warning with the following code:


test <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
test <- corpus(test)
test <- tokens(test)

kwic(test, pattern = "ipsum") |>

I get this in the console:

Warning message: Use of x$ntokens is discouraged. Use ntokens instead.

kbenoit commented 2 years ago

Thanks, got it. I'll track it down and stop the warning shortly.