quanticchaos / OctoPrint-Webcamsb

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[Feature Request] Add overlay showing pertinent print information (temperatures, time to completion, etc.) #11

Open dburr opened 4 years ago

dburr commented 4 years ago

Subject line says it all. It would be nice to have a little overlay in the corner when going fullscreen that shows pertinent print information (hotend/bed/chamber temps, elapsed time, time to completion, etc.)

dburr commented 3 years ago

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

quanticchaos commented 3 years ago

Hello dburr, there's already a plugin that does that: https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/fullscreen/

dburr commented 3 years ago

First, sorry if that last comment sounded rude. Blame lack of sleep, impending work deadlines and quarantine-induced cabin fever. Thanks, but I am already aware of the other plugin you mentioned. My issue is that (using another plugin) I have removed the webcam image on the Control tab. Having two webcams on screen while I am on the Control tab looks weird, plus I think it may be overtaxing my Pi Zero W (which is running the webcam.) In any case I much prefer using Sidebar Webcam since it is always available, no matter which tab I'm in.