quanticchaos / OctoPrint-Webcamsb

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Setting up new Octoprint and Cam feed not showing #23

Open tekjock opened 4 months ago

tekjock commented 4 months ago


Not my first time using Sidebar Webcam, But having a bit of an issue. I am using Octoprint Deploy to setup a couple of instances of Octoprint. I have used this before on a le Potato, but now doing it on a Pi4. Comparing my setup to another printer and not sure why it is not streaming

I have left the URL fields blank like i did before and I have tried these 2 URLs which I know work.

http://192.16x.x./cam_Aquilax2/?action=stream http://XXXXXX.local/cam_Aquilax2/?action=stream

Maybe it has been a while since I set this up but Is there a specific way to put in ta URL.

tekjock commented 4 months ago

OK, I was able to load my old instance of Octoprint on the le Potato that was installed via Octoprint Deploy and using a Webcam .. I got it

it was: http://192.1xx.x.:8001/stream