quanticchaos / OctoPrint-Webcamsb

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Sidebar Cam not showing #24

Open Benrens opened 3 months ago

Benrens commented 3 months ago

Somewhere there is someting added to the stream url, tried clean installs

input: /cam_Ender3/?action=stream

output: /cam_Ender3/?action=stream?1711111764826

tsk-2222 commented 3 months ago

I am seeing the same issue. A Unix timestamp is being added.

It appears to be this known issue: https://github.com/quanticchaos/OctoPrint-Webcamsb/pull/17

quanticchaos commented 3 months ago

Hello friends, I'm sorry but I stopped the development of this plugin a while ago... Anyway, that's not a bug, it's made on purpose so the explorer doesn't cache the stream.

grego1981 commented 1 week ago

Same issue, when timestamp is added not showing, If with F12 I remove the timestamp it works fine... Is there any workaround or fix??