quanticchaos / OctoPrint-Webcamsb

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Full Screen Video Doesn't Respect Aspect Ratio #5

Closed offroadguy56 closed 4 years ago

offroadguy56 commented 4 years ago

If you resize your window smaller than the length of the video, the video squash and use the aspect ratio of the window instead.

Here's an example. https://imgur.com/a/QLZ1zpX first noticed this on Android, but it appears it can be recreated on Chrome in Windows 10.

quanticchaos commented 4 years ago

Yes, thank you, it doesn't have an on resize event handler. But I'll look forward into it.

quanticchaos commented 4 years ago

I began trying to create a simple and light plugin. But yeah, I guess that's something I should have thought of when I added the fullscreen functionality

offroadguy56 commented 4 years ago

Yeah. I'm a huge supporter of K.I.S.S. I was just a little startled when I opened it on my phone and thought I had broken something on the plugin.

I'm fine with it staying as is, but other users might not be so lucky and will not be able to resize the window to see proper video. But hey, the default octoprint webcam view is good enough.

quanticchaos commented 4 years ago

Don't worry, I agree with you, it's something that has to be fixed.

quanticchaos commented 4 years ago

Just updated the script, please check if it's working now.