quanticchaos / OctoPrint-Webcamsb

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huge latency #7

Open mark-hahn opened 4 years ago

mark-hahn commented 4 years ago

The video on my control tab has a irritating latency of around 2 or 3 seconds. But the sidebar video latency is about 10 or 13 seconds which is a real problem. Any idea what could cause this?

quanticchaos commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry, there's nothing I can really do about your lag from my side. You could try to use a lower quality stream or connect everything via wired LAN. I will try to implement an HTML5 video player in the future but not many people will be able to create the stream. The control tab has less lag because you close and open it every time you close and open the tab. I will add a pause/play button in the future since some people have been asking for it but I've been a little busy.

MisterMakerNL commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue, no idea why. If I open the normal webcam view it just lags about 10-15 seconds. Which is way to long for detecting problems. Hope it will get fixed sometime, since I really like the layout this way!! I was checking this a bit more, and it looks like the stream page: http://octoip/webcam/?action=stream Lags exactly as much.

quanticchaos commented 4 years ago

If you want to have zero lag but be able to keep an eye on the stream all the time you should use an external cam in the sidebar viewer.