quantified-uncertainty / metaforecast

Fetch forecasts from prediction markets/forecasting platforms to make them searchable. Integrate these forecasts into other services.
MIT License
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Decide whether to proxy plausible.io queries, pay netlify for analytics, or do nothing. #24

Open NunoSempere opened 2 years ago

NunoSempere commented 2 years ago

Plausible was being queried through a netlify snippet injection (https://app.netlify.com/sites/metaforecast/settings/deploys#post-processing), which wasn't working. I changed this to use https://github.com/4lejandrito/next-plausible in _app.tsx. But plausible recommends proxying it instead (https://plausible.io/docs/proxy/introduction). We could do that, though it sounds kind of complicated.

Instead, we could pay netlify $9/month for better analytics (e.g., because netlify serves the webpage, its analytics can't be blocked by adblockers). Personally, I think it would be worth it, but it also hurts a little bit.