quantified-uncertainty / metaforecast

Fetch forecasts from prediction markets/forecasting platforms to make them searchable. Integrate these forecasts into other services.
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Add new questions page to API #81

Closed NunoSempere closed 2 years ago

NunoSempere commented 2 years ago

Hey @berekuk, could you add a new questions page to the API? Not extremely urgent, but good to have in the next few days

berekuk commented 2 years ago

It's already available! All pages are implemented on top of GraphQL API.

Here's an example: https://metaforecast.org/api/graphql?query=fragment+Question+on+Question+%7B%0A++id%0A++url%0A++title%0A++description%0A++timestamp%0A++options+%7B%0A++++name%0A++++probability%0A++%7D%0A++platform+%7B%0A++++id%0A++++label%0A++%7D%0A++qualityIndicators+%7B%0A++++stars%0A++++numForecasts%0A++++numForecasters%0A++++volume%0A++++spread%0A++++sharesVolume%0A++++openInterest%0A++++liquidity%0A++++tradeVolume%0A++%7D%0A++visualization%0A%7D%0A%0Afragment+QuestionWithHistory+on+Question+%7B%0A++...Question%0A++history+%7B%0A++++timestamp%0A++++options+%7B%0A++++++name%0A++++++probability%0A++++%7D%0A++%7D%0A%7D%0A%0Aquery+QuestionPage%28%24id%3A+ID%21%29+%7B%0A++result%3A+question%28id%3A+%24id%29+%7B%0A++++...QuestionWithHistory%0A++%7D%0A%7D%0A

You'll have to enter variables in the bottom box, e.g. {"id": "rootclaim-did-pakistan-know-that-osama-bin-laden-was-hiding-in-abbottabad-18034"} (Yoga playground doesn't allow links with variables).

Here's how to trace the graphql call(s) for any metaforecast page:

NunoSempere commented 2 years ago

It's already available!

Are you sure? I specifically mean new questions added in the last 24h. And I'm not sure we have any pages which fetch that.

berekuk commented 2 years ago

Oh, I read this wrong! I thought you meant (new (question page)), the one with charts.

berekuk commented 2 years ago

Right now we store a timestamp field on Question and History (and on dashboards, but that's not relevant here).

This field usually means "last time we fetched/stored this question", except for guesstimate, for which we use the timestamp from the guesstimate API. But we can ignore the guesstimate case for this task, since it's used for search only, and this task is for querying the postgres database directly, which doesn't have guesstimate data yet.


I think we need more timestamp fields with different semantics.

  1. fetched or lastFetched or maybe lastSeen (with semantics ~identical to current timestamp)
  2. firstSeen (by metaforecast; this field is necessary for solving this issue)
  3. created (on platform; this might be different from firstSeen since metaforecast can fetch the question with some delay)
  4. updated (by platform; this one is less necessary and is too vague; while many platforms provide something like this, their semantics differ, and we could approximately restore this from our history data)
  5. resolved (important for #10)

There are a lot of details to consider for each of these, but for now I'll just implement (1) and (2) and keep in mind (3) and (5) for the future database & API changes.

berekuk commented 2 years ago

Here: https://metaforecast.org/api/graphql?query=%7B%0A++questions%28first%3A+5%2C+orderBy%3A+FIRST_SEEN_DESC%29+%7B%0A++++edges+%7B%0A++++++cursor%0A++++++node+%7B%0A++++++++id%0A++++++++title%0A++++++++firstSeenStr%0A++++++%7D%0A++++%7D%0A++%7D%0A%7D


NunoSempere commented 2 years ago
