quantombone / exemplarsvm

Ensemble of Exemplar-SVMs for Object Detection and Beyond
MIT License
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Error while running esvm_demo_apply .... can some1 pls fix this #60

Open ghost opened 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

The the data set is not kept in a local machine ..

Found voc2007-bus.mat, not downloading Warning: Models have images as URLs -- If you want to apply detectors to a LOT of images, download the PASCAL VOC2007 dataset locally and call : [models]=esvm_update_voc_models_to_local(models,local_dir); --image 00001/00001: 229 exemplars took 4.704sec, #windows=00124, max=-0.475 Applying M-matrix to 1 images:.took 0.027sec Applying NMS (OS thresh=0.300) Propagating scores onto raw detections Showing detection # 1, score=5.270 Warning: loading image from URL Cannot load image: http://people.csail.mit.edu/~tomasz/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/003835.jpg ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in ==> esvm_get_exemplar_icon at 79 Iex = Iex(cb(2):cb(4),cb(1):cb(3),:);

Error in ==> esvm_exemplar_inpaint at 72 [mini_overlay.I, mini_overlay.alphamask] = ...

Error in ==> esvm_show_top_dets at 205 overlays{zzz} = esvm_exemplar_inpaint(allbb(zzz,:), ...

Error in ==> esvm_apply_and_show_exemplars at 55 allbbs = esvm_show_top_dets(result_struct, local_detections, ...

Error in ==> esvm_demo_apply at 33 esvm_apply_and_show_exemplars(I1, models, M, params);

quantombone commented 12 years ago

You should try downloading the PASCAL VOC dataset from the website.
You can also try seeing what the following lines do...

I=convert_to_I('http://people.csail.mit.edu/tomasz/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/003835.jpg') imagesc(I)