quantopian / zipline

Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
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ingest futures data issue #2705

Open marlowequart opened 4 years ago

marlowequart commented 4 years ago


* Operating System: mac osx * Python Version: 3.5.6 * How did you install Zipline: conda

Description of Issue

I believe I was able to successfully ingest my futures data, but I seem to be having a slight problem with the way it was done. I have followed the process listed here to check if the data was ingested correctly: https://github.com/quantopian/zipline/issues/2293 It seems like zipline is attaching a continuation of the volume to the bundle data when it ingests it. Does this make any sense? Is that possible? How might I fix this if so?

Here is what happens when I plot the individual contracts using pandas: pandas_data

And here is what I get when I plot the individual contracts from the bundle: bundle_data

I really appreciate any insights!

This is my code for plotting the bundle data:

import os
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Timestamp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools

from zipline.data import bundles
from zipline.data.data_portal import DataPortal
from zipline.utils.calendars import get_calendar
from zipline.assets._assets import Future
from zipline.utils.run_algo import load_extensions

from zipline.data.bundles import load
from zipline.data.bundles.quandl import quandl_bundle


bundle_name = 'full_pinnacle_futures'
trading_calendar = get_calendar('CME')

bundle_data = bundles.load(bundle_name)

data = DataPortal(asset_finder= bundle_data.asset_finder,
                trading_calendar = trading_calendar,
                first_trading_day = bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader.first_trading_day,

continuous_future = bundle_data.asset_finder.create_continuous_future
history = data.get_history_window


contract_list=['CLF01', 'CLG01', 'CLH01', 'CLJ01', 'CLK01', 'CLM01']
# ~ contract_list=['ESH01', 'ESM01', 'ESU01', 'ESZ01']

all_contracts = [
    for x
    in contract_list

start_dt = pd.Timestamp(start_date, tz='UTC', offset='C')
end_dt = pd.Timestamp(end_date, tz='UTC', offset='C')

end_loc = trading_calendar.closes.index.get_loc(end_dt)
start_loc = trading_calendar.closes.index.get_loc(start_dt)    

all_consecutive_contract_volume = history(
    bar_count=end_loc - start_loc,

all_consecutive_contract_close = history(
    bar_count=end_loc - start_loc,


plt.legend(loc='upper left')


And my code for ingesting:

import pandas as pd
from os import listdir
from tqdm import tqdm # Used for progress bar
# ~ import dateutil.relativedelta

# Change the path to where you have your data
base_path = "/Users/Marlowe/gitsite/trending/zipline/data/"
data_path = base_path + 'pinnacle_data_full_modified/'
meta_path = 'futures_meta/pinnacle_meta.csv'
futures_lookup = pd.read_csv(base_path + meta_path, index_col=0)

The ingest function needs to have this exact signature,
meaning these arguments passed, as shown below.
def full_pinnacle_futures(environ,

    # Get list of files from path
    # Slicing off the last part, strip off .csv
    # 'example.csv'[:-4] = 'example'
    symbols = [f[:-4] for f in listdir(data_path)]

    symbols = symbols[1:]   # adding this line because I was getting a weird file .DS_S in the symbols list
    # ~ print(symbols)
    # ~ return

    if not symbols:
        raise ValueError("No symbols found in folder.")

    # Prepare an empty DataFrame for dividends
    divs = pd.DataFrame(columns=['sid', 

    # Prepare an empty DataFrame for splits
    splits = pd.DataFrame(columns=['sid',

    # Prepare an empty DataFrame for metadata
    metadata = pd.DataFrame(columns=('start_date',

    # Check valid trading dates, according to the selected exchange calendar
    sessions = calendar.sessions_in_range(start_session, end_session)

    # Get data for all stocks and write to Zipline
            process_futures(symbols, sessions, metadata)

    adjustment_writer.write(splits=splits, dividends=divs)    

    # Prepare root level metadata
    root_symbols = futures_lookup.copy()
    root_symbols['root_symbol_id'] = root_symbols.index.values
    del root_symbols['minor_fx_adj']

    #write the meta data
    asset_db_writer.write(futures=metadata, root_symbols=root_symbols)

def process_futures(symbols, sessions, metadata):
    # Loop the stocks, setting a unique Security ID (SID)
    sid = 0

    # Loop the symbols with progress bar, using tqdm
    for symbol in tqdm(symbols, desc='Loading data...'):
        sid += 1
        # ~ print('ingesting: ',symbol)
        # 3/30/20 I was running into issues because some of the contracts that ended in 00 had a last trade date of 12/31/99
        # in line 129, the dataframe gets rid of anything before 2000, so it could return an empty dataframe
        # Read the stock data from csv file.
        df = pd.read_csv('{}/{}.csv'.format(data_path, symbol), index_col=[0], parse_dates=[0]) 
        # ~ print(symbol)
        # ~ print(df.head(10))
        # ~ return
        # Check for minor currency quotes
        adjustment_factor = futures_lookup.loc[
                futures_lookup['root_symbol'] == df.iloc[0]['root_symbol']

        df['open'] *= adjustment_factor
        df['high'] *= adjustment_factor
        df['low'] *= adjustment_factor
        df['close'] *= adjustment_factor

        # Avoid potential high / low data errors in data set
        # And apply minor currency adjustment for USc quotes
        df['high'] = df[['high', 'close']].max(axis=1) 
        df['low'] = df[['low', 'close']].min(axis=1) 
        df['high'] = df[['high', 'open']].max(axis=1)
        df['low'] = df[['low', 'open']].min(axis=1) 

        # Synch to the official exchange calendar
        df = df.reindex(sessions.tz_localize(None))[df.index[0]:df.index[-1] ]

        # Forward fill missing data
        df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)

        # Drop remaining NaN

        # Cut dates before 2000, avoiding Zipline issue
        # MQ 3/6/20: Is this still an issue? I would want to use data before 2000
        # MQ 4/18/20: ignoring this for full data dump
        # ~ df = df['2000-01-01':]

        # Prepare contract metadata
        # MQ 3/6/20: need to know sector
        sector=futures_lookup.loc[futures_lookup['root_symbol'] == df.iloc[0]['root_symbol']]['sector'].iloc[0]

        make_meta(sid, metadata, df, sessions, sector)

        del df['openinterest']
        del df['expiration_date']
        del df['root_symbol']
        del df['symbol']

        yield sid, df        

def make_meta(sid, metadata, df, sessions, sector):
        # Check first and last date.
        start_date = df.index[0]
        end_date = df.index[-1]        

        # The auto_close date is the day after the last trade.

        ac_date_equities = end_date + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
        # MQ 3/6/20: need an ac_date for equitys and different one for commodities
        # should use date one month prior to expiry
        ac_date_commodities = end_date - pd.Timedelta(days=30)

        symbol = df.iloc[0]['symbol']
        root_sym = df.iloc[0]['root_symbol']
        exchng = futures_lookup.loc[futures_lookup['root_symbol'] == root_sym ]['exchange'].iloc[0]
        exp_date = end_date

        tick_size = 0.0001   # Placeholder

        # Add notice day if you have.
        # Tip to improve: Set notice date to one month prior to
        # expiry for commodity markets.
        if sector=='Rates':
            notice_date = ac_date_equities
            # Add a row to the metadata DataFrame.
            metadata.loc[sid] = start_date, end_date, ac_date_equities, symbol, root_sym, exp_date, notice_date, tick_size, exchng
        elif sector=='Equitites':
            notice_date = ac_date_equities
            # Add a row to the metadata DataFrame.
            metadata.loc[sid] = start_date, end_date, ac_date_equities, symbol, root_sym, exp_date, notice_date, tick_size, exchng
            notice_date = ac_date_commodities
            # Add a row to the metadata DataFrame.
            metadata.loc[sid] = start_date, end_date, ac_date_commodities, symbol, root_sym, exp_date, notice_date, tick_size, exchng
marlowequart commented 4 years ago

Is it possible that this issue could have to do with discontinuities in my data? It doesn't appear to be the case in the example here, but I do know that there are some dates where the volume shows up as zero contracts. Could that be messing up the ingest of the volume data?

marlowequart commented 4 years ago

I figured out what my issue was, I got the open interest and volume columns switched. Case of user error haha.