quantorconsulting / mkdocs_build_plantuml

MkDocs plugin to help generate your plantuml images locally or remotely as files (NOT inline)
MIT License
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Rendering PlantUml at Live Mkdocs pages #1

Closed rpaut closed 4 years ago

rpaut commented 4 years ago


Pip installed mkdocs-plantuml package and add plugin example to mkdocs.yml. How to call and type PlantUml at live pages ?

Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? 

Note right of Bob: Bob thinks

Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!

Does not render PlantUml image at mkdocs pages. Do you have live example available?

christo-ph commented 4 years ago

Hi @rpaut

This plugin does not render Plantuml embedded in Markdown files. In does generate the images from pure Plantuml files (.puml, starting with @startuml etc).

If you want to have the images rendered embed in the Markdown file itself, you need another plugin, see:


You need to have installed https://github.com/mikitex70/plantuml-markdown to get it to work. Then you are able to do something like this in your .md file:

```plantuml format="png" classes="uml myDiagram" alt="My super diagram placeholder" title="My super diagram" width="300px" height="300px"
  Goofy ->  MickeyMouse: calls
  Goofy <-- MickeyMouse: responds

The reason for this plugin was to have the diagrams separated from the markdown files. And to structure the output to my needs as descreibed in the README.