quantorconsulting / mkdocs_build_plantuml

MkDocs plugin to help generate your plantuml images locally or remotely as files (NOT inline)
MIT License
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Using C4 with includes outputs error #2

Closed clouddistortion closed 4 years ago

clouddistortion commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am using C4 (https://github.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML ) in combination with plantUML locally (not server mode). My plantuml file looks like this:

@startuml C4_Elements
!include /C4/C4_Container.puml

Person(personAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")
Container(containerAlias, "Label", "Technology", "Optional Description")
System(systemAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")

The C4 Model file are based in the /C4 directory. I also added the path to the includes in the C4 model files.

The mkdocs build process outputs the following messages:

Could not open /C4/e C4.puml
Could not open /C4/e C4_Context.puml

Most of the time although this is printed out the resulting svg is generated.

christo-ph commented 4 years ago

Hi. Thank you for your report.

The mentioned output is due to the not supporting !includeurlin server mode, which should not be printed when using the local mode. I have to remove this error here.

The output (svg/png) should work locally anyway. Can you confirm that?

christo-ph commented 4 years ago

Release 1.2.0

Please update your plugin and test the behaviour now:

pip3 install --upgrade mkdocs-build-plantuml-plugin

clouddistortion commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks a lot! I just tested it successfully.

christo-ph commented 4 years ago

Great. You could use C4 now also with !includeurl in server mode.